1/48 Arii (Otaki) Ki-43 Hayabusa (Finished!!)

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The detail really pops to me. I thought it was rather busy at first but after the paint go applied I think that you got the right formula. One thing that I did notice was in the box cover in the lower right corner. Easy to assemble kit.... If they only knew....
Thanks PTW! In reality, I could have added a few more lines and a couple tiny doo-dads but decided I had enough already. The real aircraft cockpit is a very cramped space and wires and hydraulic appear quite a jumble. As far as the "easy assembly" they are actually quite right as there are very few parts and they all fit very well. Me being me though, I can never seem to leave well enough alone and create a lot more work for myself.
The cockpit is almost finished. I have a few more details to add before I call it done and show it off though. I have been working on it a little at a time all week so in the mean time I will give a peek on a few things.

The instrument panel painted up. The second image is just for an idea of scale. I first sprayed it flat black. Then, with a needle, I scratched in details for the instruments, allowing the white styrene to show through. I brush painted the panel itself with Polly Scale grimy black to have some contrast with the instruments. It then received a light dry brush of neutral gray followed by pin washes of raw umber around the raised detail, and a couple switches and knobs picked out it silver. The lenses were made with modge podge dimensional magic followed by some future to help level it out.

I have started building the Ho-103 machine guns with various styrene stock.

I made the lap belts from lead foil. I made the eyelets by piercing the foil with a needle and tidied up with a sharp #11 blade. The buckle is made from copper wire and yes, just because I wanted to see if I could, it is completely functional, albeit fragile.

More soon. Comments and questions are welcomed.
Excellent progress and work to detail. Love that seat belt.
There is nothing that a good pair of magnifying glasses, to create and enjoy working tiny things. Good thing that in the photos, we can give more magnification with the zoom.
Although our vision is paying a price!

Thanks for the comments guys!

I really should invest in a magnifier, it would make this detail stuff much easier.

Wayne Little
They certainly are! I have 3 more waiting to be built, Ki-61, Ki-100, and Ki-44. Great little kits to practice some scratch building or just a quick simple build if one desires not to detail. Plus they can usually be had for about $5-8 depending on where you look.

Big update inbound.
The cockpit is finished, sans the armament and reflector sight which I will finish up later. Here's what it looks like.

The lap belts have been trimmed to size and painted. The mounting points were made from lead foil as well. The eyelets were painted by dipping a sharpened toothpick in gold paint and carefully twisting it in each hole. This left just a tiny ring of paint and had the added benefit of smoothing out any burrs.

Here is the seat with belts installed.

Port sidewall.

Starboard sidewall.

All the green areas were drybrushed with Polly Scale US interior yellow for the highlights and given a wash of raw umber oils to bring out some details and add further depth.

I added foot straps to the rudder pedals from Tamiya masking tape. The rudder control wires were made from straightened copper wire. This is one of the last things added since I do not want them getting bent. Hopefully I can keep it that way.
I applied some chipping with a brush and Model Master chrome silver enamel.

Finally, another shot of the instrument panel and then the panel and seat in sittu on the floor.

Hope you guys like it so far! Next will be the engine and wheel wells.

Bien hecho Chad!!
Very fun and good job in that cockpit interior. Ready to continue enjoying what follows.

Thanks much amigo! The hard part coming up is going to be modifying the firewall and attaching the engine since I will have to change how it is designed to be installed. Also the wheel wells will be a bit challenging to get the recessed shapes in there. You guys will be first to know what I come up with.

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