Thanks guys.
A bit of a situation developed with the kit yesterday
. Some more surgical procedures will be needed on the fuselage I'm afraid
, not on the insert part thank god, but still. As I was doing some dryfitting to see how the one-piece elevator would sit I noticed it wasn't horizontal and couln't get it in the right position without it looking off on the other side. So a good hard look at the fuselage revealed some sort of minor twist towards the rear end of the fuselage. The fuselage halves were lined up perfectly good, but the elevator still wouldn't sit right. I'm unsure if this is 'self inflicted'
(it most likely is) or is a defect on the kit part, but there it is. With the fuselage put together I fear it will be impossible to track down the cause (be it on the kits end or on my end) so I guess I'll focus on dealing with the consequences
The trouble is the one-piece elevator and thin aft fuselage allow little room for sanding down an area without causing another area to go completely off, or at least postitioning seperate parts in such a way that it would look good if only from a purely optical point of view)
So...what to do....razor-saw time
. I sawed off the aft fuselage halfway through a fuselage section (as it holds little detail and panel lines that need restoring afterwards). Put a little plastic disc in place, and I glued it back in place except I gave the aft section a minor twist to compensate for the bent area and make sure the elevator is perfectly horizontal. So now it's off to making that area nice and smooth again. A little putty in place that's left to dry and then the sanding can begin.
Pis*ed off as I was about the whole thing I forgot to take pic's of the operation. Just wanted to get it out of the way I guess. I fear you'll be seeing 'scar tissue' only when it's done