I am going to call this one done!
Life has a funny way of interfering with well laid plans... The following shots show the kit as complete as I really don't want to keep fooling around with various bits and pieces for shadowing, weathering, chipping etc. I had a go at a lot of the various weathering techniques I have read about and seen on this forum. Some worked better than others. I think the thing I learned most was how hard it is to get a really good quality clear coat on the model - and just how important it is, especially when you get it wrong.
None-the-less here are the photos. There is some subtle weathering, but you will have to look really close to see it. The colours look a bit odd again - this is a function of the LED light combination under which the photo's are taken. Good quality natural light is a bit of a rare commodity in Melbourne - gloomy crap is the norm.
Looking at these shots I've realised I neglected to add some exhaust stain on the fuselage sides. Too late now - model is already parked in the bookshelf and I have no intention of getting it back down
If I get time I will try to put some more of the finished shots into a thread in the finished builds section.
Thanks to everyone for their input and encouragement. I have a Tamiya Birdcage Corsair up next. Probably wont be as detailed a build as this one - everyone seems to have already built this kit and most are of much better quality.
Thanks again for looking in on my project.