1/48 Grumman Avenger TBF-1C - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Vallejo Cory....
They have two greens for the interior Field Green and Interior Green...
No colour for the turret, Interior or Field Green...
Not too sure about the engine either...
You know what Jan, go back to the first PTO build and look at both Terry's and my Avengers. That will tell you what to paint what. I'm guessing yours will be a Grumman built aircraft, so I believe you should follow mine. They're British, but that's irrelevant for what colours to paint the interior.
To answer my own question, here 'my' TBF Avenger on USS Yorktown in '43, 5-T-13! 8)

Sorry for the bad pic, it's in Osprey's TBF/TBM Avenger Units of World War 2, page 14....
Greetings gentlemen...

Did a bit of fiddling on the 5-T-13 this morning. I do apologise for the crap pics, as mentioned before, my computer gave up the ghost a couple of months ago, hopefully, hopefully, I'll have a new one soon, then I can download that photo program etc...


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