Steady as they go...
I've spend a few hours with the Dorniers, so there is something to show.
The HC Do 17Z progressed to the point where most of the airframe is more or less completed. Again a lot of work. The closer you look at this kit, the more faults that show up. The tail is weird..So I did some digging, it apears HC got the tail more or less correct, but still no cigar. When compared to the ICM kit, there are a few things under- and overscale. So I tried to correct this, using the ICM kit as guide. In this department, the ICM kit isn't without faults either. The Do 17 had a kind of moving tail, this is totaly absent on the ICM kit, the base of the tail is too wide. HC did this better, but angled the fins too much. I'm gonna life with the ICM tail as it's too much work to correct, the HC tail will be dynamic, to add a bit of intrest to the model.
I also detialed the back sides of both instrument pannels, as the details here are absent on both kits. This porved to be a leason in patience..I still need to add the wires for the instruments. The HC instrument got upgraded with the airwaves etched pannel, it's slightly better then the kit part. I'm gonna try and use the kit's decal for the ICM instrument pannel or might have a go at hand painting the detail.
Cockpit's are more or less complete, though a lot of details still have to be mounted.
Cockpits in the current state. Imediatly above the ICM cockpit. Still in need of the instrument pannel, pilots and rear gunners seat. At the top is the HC cockpit. This one still needs the observer/Bomb aimer seat.
A bit harder to see but I painted the HC cockpit RLM 66 and the ICM one RLM 02. As the HC will be a Z-3 "recce bomber" built late 1941. Though from looking at various B/W pictures wartime Do 17Z and Do 215 cockpits, it's hard to see any difference in tone regarding the use of RLM 66 or 02. Both "could" be correct for the givven timeframes...
Fins are added with some blue tack to show them in situ. The plastic card strips were added because the rudders were underscale. The trim tabs of the larger rudders are cut out, I will put these on at a later stage also at an angle. I did consider dropping the flaps on the wing, but it proved to be too much work, so these will stay closes, hence the extra work on the tailplanes...