1/48 Monogram Classic Hurricane

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Here's the last one of those I did, a mere 50 years or so. Amazing that it survived as well as it has. I really liked the look of the night intruder Hurricane of the color 3 view profile. I opened the cockpit canopy, which required a lot of sanding and polishing with toothpaste. A 50/50 mix of flat black and gloss black worked well for the bottom. Monogram actually reissued the kit in those markings and I have a couple of those, so perhaps I'll take another crack at it. But no more polishing that canopy! I'll use the heat and smash approach to make a new one.
Here it is with the canopy, prop and decals on. The upper wing decals are from the monogram kit and the testor's decal set snugged them up nicely. Unfortunately I discoverd almost all of my decal stash is garbage , as one after one crumbled to pieces even when clear coated. I should of put them in sealed bags as most were 10 years old or more. I did manage to scrape up enough to get the job done , with the exception that the fuselage roundels should be the larger one.


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Here it is in the paint box getting clear coated with some pledge(future). I changed the exhaust color to more closely match the pictures of the Hurricane we have here at the Air Museum in Calgary (the one that Andy got to work on). I also attached a picture to show the riviting detail on a Hurricane wing and one more picture of me standing blow the exhaust manifolds too show how large they actually are. Initially I thought the low detail monogram ones were far too large and I was going to replace them with a set of resin ones I have, but they looked too small and delicate, so I stuck with the monogram ones.


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Good stuff. Keep in mind that the Hurricane also carried "fish tail" exhausts (the Calgary one does not) and also that the museum sample sports stacks that would not have seen the rigours of many hours of run time. Real exhausts would see multiple colour variations due to the effects of heat and combustion gases but I think yours will pass muster.
I did some final shots today. Although its not as glossy as it looks , I might give it another coat of flat clear to bring it down one more notch. The lack of detail in some areas are obvious in this older kit, and the volkes air filter is a bit too big and extends too far forward and there are some errors in the panel lines. There are some things that Monogram got right. The fabric detail on the fuselage is better than Hasegawa's corrugated tin look, and the curves on the fuselage hump and back look more correct, at least too me. I am also one of those old timers that is not convinced that panel lines are more realistic than rivits. The model is supposed to represent the Hurricane as the Unit converted to Hurricanes in October 1940. Woodward would go on to shoot down 5 CR 42s and 2 SM 79s, verified post war, while flying this and probably other Hurricanes in 33 Sqd in N Africa before the unit transferred to Greece. Thanks to everyone who looked and commented and encouraged, the work displayed on this forum is incredible and I am humbled to post my work here. Now I think I will check my stash and sign up for a group build!


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