1/48 Monogram Heinkel He 111 H-2 BoB (2 Viewers)

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Some nice progress there Gerry. Viewing on my phone right now so can't really see the antennas your talking about. Maybe you refer to the ones on the bottom of the rear fuselage. Those would be for landing approach assistance.
Some nice progress there Gerry. Viewing on my phone right now so can't really see the antennas your talking about. Maybe you refer to the ones on the bottom of the rear fuselage. Those would be for landing approach assistance.
As always thanks for sharing your wisdom.

True it is, those are the landing approach antennas....

Best regards my friend :salute:
Hello my fellow modelers:

This is the advance performed so far.

First, the wings sub assemblies were glued to the fuselage as can be appreciated in the following images.

It is relevant to inform that after quite some dry fitting intents to join the wings to the fuselage, it was found that the joints were acceptable enough in order to apply quite a small amount of glue in the upper and lower wing, after confirming that the dihedral was correct.....

Also after manipulating the kite with the aluminum and black color, reminded me of a 1/72 Heinkel 70 that my father and me constructed around the mesozoic era... (at least it's how it feels like now)....

I still remember the smell of the only glue that you can find and sold in Mexico City (it was called the Lodela brand clear glue, quite similar to the Tamiya orange Cement and the smell was quite unique)....

sanding and rescribing 02.jpeg

Then the detailing of these joints were sanded, and sanded....
sanding and rescribing 01.jpeg

Then the rest of the details on the engine cowlings were applied in order to continue with the final paint works.... (and some further rescribing works will also be applied eventually.....
engine 01.jpeg

Also the lower fuselage antennas were applied after consulting several web photos..... and after a good look in the photo, some of the little supports seems to have moved after glueing them....:scratch: damn little buggers.....
antenna 01.jpeg

And before the paint works, also the glazed cockpit received some more details.... first the windows received a double liquid masking.

Guess that the copper wire will nicely emulate the handle when the pilot lifted its seat in order to view better forward while landing.....
cockpit 01.jpeg

Hope that this week I can proceed with the final paint works. I still have to find a place the light switch (that more likely will be located between the two SC-1,000 Kgs bombs).

Have a productive week and stay safe.

Regards :pilotsalute:


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