1/48 Spitfire Mk.VIII - Your Favorite Aircraft of All Time GB

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Airman 1st Class
Dec 19, 2009
kit:icm spitfire mkVIII
accessories: ultra cast exhaust,ultra cast prop,eduard photo etch and decales from kagero.

Hi all,
i've not been in a group build for a while so thought i'd have a bash at it again with this kit.i've chosen the mk VIII spitfire of f/lt L.S.Compton No 452 sqn RAAF morotai december 1944.



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Nice to see you back Bruce. I'll be doing that exact kit for the Spitfire marks GB so look forward to your build. I did the IX for the Commonwealth GB with the same resin spinner and prop. Take real care with the prop blades as they are quite delicate. I manged to break the tip off one and there was no way of getting it back together.

Take a look at Terry's and my builds to avoid some fit issues. I had the bottom of the cockpit fouling the wheel wells and we both had to do work to get the dihedral right.
Good info Andy. Also, the horizontal frame at the top of the windscreen is too wide - it can be filed and sanded to shape then polished, to correct it. And the tail wheel needs altering to the retractable type.
thanks guys it looks like i'll be using andy and terrys builds for a reference on this but i have made the icm mk xvi spitfire and i think this one will be very similar.
Nice one Bruce. I build that one for the aces GB and it's a nice kit. Just take your time assembling the nose.
Thanks wurger T bolt A4K and andy here are some update shots afraid i have not done much this week.
cockpit 1.JPG
cockpit 2.JPG
wings 1.JPG

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