1/72 Italeri Hs 126 B1; MTO Group Build

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But you have already caught something Paul. It's your first Polish sentence.Nice.
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Ah, no. Google translator helped a bit. I could have worked it out myself but actually pronouncing it would have taken another seven bottles of Tyskie.

Tyskie! I can say it! I can speak Polish!

"My hovercraft is full of eels?"

I think we've gone a bit off topic. *Cough*

Now.. Hs 126. Very interesting choice. I'd like to see this build in action, makes a bloody change from the endless single engine fighters. I might do a float plane (Arado) just to join in.

Nice one kgambit.
Obrośnięciu w niektórych z nich była niemal prawdopodobnie wyciągający zęby od a sabre zęba tygrys-a byli GŁODNYMI jeden na tym.

Let's keep in touch using the English.It sounds better in the language.

Just shows you that you can't trust all those pages... What does the "dobrze zrobiony" mean then old chap?

Generally I know what you wanted to say.But the form of the phrase is a bit incorrect.As you know the Polish is a inflective
language.It means that endings of words are important for the grammary and their meaning.
So ....Dobrze zrobiony means that something is (was) made/done very well , for instance "The car is (was) made with a very good quality". The "y" endiing indicate male form ( musculine). For female ( feminine) form the ending should be "a" .Aslo there is third form of it with the ending "e" what is equal to the English verbs with the personal pronoun "it". Like in the English it is the passive voice of the " robić" - do,make verb.
Iin English the phrase is written for example like this - The Fw190A model(s) is,are (was,were) well done.

That's way the better phrase for you wanted to say is "Dobra robota" - Good job , Good work and Well done as well of couse.
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Here's an in progress shot:

Struts and wing surfaces are all painted. The instrument panel is started (that's that white plastic card with the holes drilled out).

Color seems a bit off in the picture but the upper surface IS pretty close. I might have to consider mixing a little white in with the sand yellow and respraying.

The photo is abit washed out - I'll have to play with the lighting and reshoot it. Bear with me.
Looking good. How are you going to make the instrument panel?

Use the existing panel for shape and size.
Cut out two pieces from plastic-card - a front panel (0.01" thick) and a rear panel ( 0.02" thick) of the same size and shape as the existing panel.
Mark positions of instrument on front panel and drill holes in the front panel. Lightly sand rear of front panel to remove drilling burrs.
Check for position - if done, use tweezers / small forceps to hold the front and rear panels together and drill very shallow impressions in the Rear panel to act as very slight depressions for the instrument decals.

For the front panel:
Spray the front panel RLM 66, wait to dry
Spray the bezels Gloss Black, wait to dry
Mount the bezels on the front panel
Paint any bezels that need special coloring (yellow or red) using a 20/0 spotter brush

For the rear panel:
Paint the depressions black, wait to dry
Add a couple of drops of future to each depression, wait to dry
Add instrument decals to the depressions
Seal with another coat of future

Then glue the two panels together and install.

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