when Spain signed the contract to buy 109 fighter bf also colored also summoned between them and after many years the only colors used RLM70 and RLM79.
I pushed the envelope to his head and started with airbrush, remove completely and wiped thoroughly all was almost all day about 9 hours in total for the 6 airbrushes, the whole time i was thinking about seeing if I could restore the old airbrush I had first of all to place it in a box on the shelf as a trophy for the memories, well, after searching through boxes of parts that I have at home I found I needed to restore it. Well if I needed after mounting the airbrush to paint well and everything is correct, then decided to throw looped the plane after he was at the table, so I started to paint with airbrush after acabr this is what was left:
bottom paint as always wearing effect directly roll
little work is left to fill this model, Between model and another model