13's.... (2 Viewers)

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Beaufighter Mk. If R2313
Beaufighter Mk. II T3013
Beaufighter MK. II T3213
Beaufighter Mk. Ic T3313
Beaufighter Mk. II T3413
Beaufighter Mk. Ic T4713
Beaufighter Mk. VIc T5113
Beaufighter Mk. VIc T5213
Beaufighter Mk. If V8213
Beaufighter Mk. If V8313
Beaufighter Mk. If V8413
Beaufighter Mk. VI V8513
Beaufighter Mk. VI V8613
Beaufighter Mk. VI V8713
Beaufighter Mk. VI V8813
Beaufighter Mk. Ic/f X7613
Beaufighter Mk. Ic/f X7713
Beaufighter Mk. Ic/f X7813
Beaufighter Mk. VIf X8013
Beaufighter Mk. VIf X8213
Beaufighter Mk. VIf EL213
Beaufighter Mk. VIc EL413 (RAAF A19-100)
Beaufighter Mk. VIc JL513
Beaufighter Mk. VI JL613 (interim torpedo fighter)
Beaufighter Mk. VIc JL713 (interim torpedo fighter)
Beaufighter Mk. VIc JL813
Beaufighter MK. XI JL913
Beaufighter Mk. XI JM113
Beaufighter MK. XI JM213
Beaufighter MK. X JM413
Beaufighter Mk. VIf KW113
Beaufighter MK. X KW413
Beaufighter TF Mk. X LX813
Beaufighter TF Mk. X LX913
Beaufighter TF MK. X LZ113
Beaufighter TF Mk. X LZ413
Beaufighter Mk. VIf MM913
Beaufighter Mk. VIf ND213 (The aircraft was allocated to 54 OTU, RAF)
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NE213
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NE313
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NE413
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NE613
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NE713
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NE813
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NT913
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NV113
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NV213
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NV313
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NV413
Beaufighter TF Mk. X NV513
Beaufighter TF Mk. X RD213
Beaufighter TF Mk. X RD313
Beaufighter TF Mk. X RD513
Beaufighter TF Mk. X RD713
Beaufighter TF Mk. X RD813

R2313 was built by Bristol Aeroplane Co. at Filton, in a group of 300 aircraft.
T3013 to T3413 was built by Bristol Aeroplane Co. at Filton, in a group 319 aircraft.
T4713 to T5213 was built by Fairey Aviation Co. Ltd at Stockport, in a group of 500 aircraft.
V8213 to V8813 was built by Bristol Aeroplane Co. at Filton, in a group of 600 aircraft.
X7613 to X8213 was built by Bristols shadow factory at Old Mixton, in a group of 500 aircraft.
EL213 and EL413 was built by Bristols shadow factory at Old Mixton, in a group of 300 aircraft.
JL513 to JM413 was built by Bristols shadow factory at Old Mixton, in a group of 555 aircraft.
KW113 and KW413 was built by Rootes Securities Ltd. at Blyth Bridge, in a group of 260 aircraft.
LX813 to LZ413 was built by Bristols shadow factory at Old Mixton, in a group of 480 aircraft.
MM913 was built by Bristol Aeroplane Co. at Filton, in a group of 100 aircraft.
ND213 was built by Bristol Aeroplane Co. at Filton, in a group of 150 aircraft.
NE213 to NE813 was built by Bristols shadow factory at Old Mixton, in a group of 500 aircraft.
NT913 to NV513 was built by Bristols shadow factory at Old Mixton, in a group of 500 aircraft.
RD213 to RD813 was built by Bristols shadow factory at Old Mixton, in a group of 500 aircraft.
LZ113 was with No. 211 Squadron and was coded 'V'.....LZ213 belonged to the same squadron as well, don't what code she carried though.

Missing from operations 27 March 1944 with J16291 F/O Waddell RCAF and F/O Woodall. They had taken off just before 0700 in company with Gamlin and Lightfoot in 'X', who last saw them on return patrol five miles North of Taungup at 09:50hrs, at 2,000ft heading due North. No movement was seen in the Tanugup Pass target area, although there was intense if inaccurate light AA and Bofors fire.

....plus NE713, she was coded 'Z'....

One of six aircraft to attack Pyinmana railway station with rockets on the afternoon of 12 August in a successful strike before proceeding on solo patrols, P/O F Gamlin and his Nav/W W/O BB Mearns did not return. They were taken captive, held at Rangoon Gaol, and survived.

They also had KW413, she was coded 'W'....
Beaufighter NE613 seem to have been attached to No. 177 Squadron and been coded 'F'...

It looks like NE813 belonged to 132 Operational Training Unit, RAF (East Fortune, East Lothian - 17 Group)....she crashed into high ground at Wester Dod on Slottenclough Farm, 4 miles WSW of Cockburnspath, Berwickshire. Both of the crew were killed.

Navigator: New Zealand 429177 Fg Officer Aubrey John CLARKE, RNZAF - Age 23. 361hrs
Pilot was NZ4216075 Fg Off Harry Kenneth Lillington RICE, RNZAF - Age 21. 371hrs.

Don't know of any code for NE813...
Beaufighter TF Mk. X, NV213, was attatched to No. 603 Squadron and was coded 'S'

They took off on a night intruder operation on the 30th of August '44, over the shipping routes north of Crete, but nothing further was heard of the aircraft. The crew was;

Pilot: F/O Harold W. Soderlund (Canadian CANJ23244)
Navigator: F/Sgt. Ian L. Nichol

Both became POW's...
Beaufighter VIf V8613 seem to have belonged to No. 68 Squadron and been coded 'G', I think she was with No. 604 Squadron, before being transferred to No. 68 Squadron and then finally, to 54 OTU.
Beaufighter Mk. If, X7713, belonged to No. 252 Squadron and was lost with;

Sgt Batten, Ronald Victor (1317400) RAFVR; age: 21
Flt Sgt NORRIS, William Sidney (967891) RAFVR; age: 20

Again, no code...
Date: 19-FEB-1945
Time: 23:31
Type: de Havilland Mosquito FB.Mk IV
Owner/operator: PFNTU RAF
Registration: DK313
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities: 0
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: RAF stn Warboys, Cambridgeshire, England. - United Kingdom
Phase: Approach
Nature: Training
Departure airport: RAF Warboys, Cambridgeshire
Destination airport: RAF Warboys
DK313 - Pilot allowed his speed to drop and as result he sideslipped and crashed. 19.2.1945
F/Lt (137.293) Victor George HALEY MM (pilot) RAFVR - killed
F/Lt (49334) Donald Vincent BIDDER (obs) RAF - killed
Mosquito B Mk. IV Series II DK313
Mosquito B Mk. IV Series II DZ313
Mosquito B Mk. IV Series II DZ413
Mosquito B Mk. IV Series II DZ613
Mosquito B Mk. IV Series II DZ713

These were part in a group of 400 aircraft
built in Hatfield.

Mosquito FB Mk. VI Series I HJ713
Mosquito FB Mk. VI Series I HJ813

These were part in a group of 150 aircraft
built at Hatfield.

Mosquito FB Mk. VI Series I HJ913
Mosquito NF Mk. XII HK113
Mosquito NF Mk. XVII HK313
Mosquito NF Mk. XIII HK413
Mosquito NF Mk. XIII HK513

These were part in a group of 450 aircraft
built at Leavesden.

Mosquito FB Mk. VI HP913
Mosquito FB Mk. VI HR113
Mosquito FB Mk. VI HR213
Mosquito FB Mk. VI HR413
Mosquito FB Mk. VI HR513
Mosquito FB Mk. VI HR613

These were part in a group of 500 aircraft
built at Standard Motors.

Mosquito FB Mk. VI HX813
Mosquito FB Mk. VI HX913

These were part in a group of 130 aircraft
built at Hatfield.

Mosquito FB Mk. VI LR313
Mosquito PR Mk. IX LR413
Mosquito B Mk. IX LR513

These were part in a group of 200 aircraft
built at Hatfield.

Mosquito B Mk. IX ML913
Mosquito B Mk. XVI MM113
Mosquito PR Mk. XVI MM313
Mosquito FB Mk. VI MM413

These were part in a group of 300 aircraft
built at Hatfield.

Mosquito NF Mk. XIII MM513
Mosquito NF 30 MM813

These were part in a group of 300 aircraft
built at Leavesden.

Mosquito PR Mk. XVI NS513
Mosquito PR Mk. XVI NS813
Mosquito FB Mk. VI NS913
Mosquito FB Mk. VI NT113

These were part in a group of 500 aircraft
built at Hatfield.

Mosquito NF 30 NT313
Mosquito NF 30 NT513
Mosquito NF 30 NT613

These were part in a group of 300 aircraft
built at Leavesden.

Mosquito B Mk. XVI PF413
Mosquito B Mk. XVI PF513
Mosquito B Mk. XVI PF613

These were part in a group of 245 aircraft
built at Percival.

Mosquito FB Mk. VI PZ313
Mosquito FB Mk. VI PZ413

These were part in a group of 250 aircraft
built at Hatfield.

Mosquito FB Mk. VI RF613
Mosquito FB Mk. VI RF713
Mosquito FB Mk. VI RF913

These were part in a group of 300 aircraft
built at Standard Motors.

Mosquito PR Mk. XVI RG113
Mosquito PR Mk. XVI RG213
Mosquito PR Mk. 34 RG313

These were part in a group of 200 aircraft
built at Hatfield.
Mosquito B Mk. IV, Series II, DZ413

30/01/43; S/L R.Reynolds leads three Mosquitos to Berlin. This raid was to disrupt Nazi Party celebration. Reichsmarschall Goering was to address a rally at 11.00am. The Mosquitos of Reynolds/Sismore (DZ413 GB-K), Gordon/Hayes (DZ372 GB-C) Wickham/Makin (DZ408 GB-F).The Mosquitos attacked right on time. This held up Goerings speech for over an hour.
Date: 02-OCT-1943
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito NF.Mk II
Owner/operator: 25 Sqn RAF
Registration: HJ713
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities: 2
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: nr Shipton Thorpe, Yorkshire, England. - United Kingdom
Phase: En route
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAF Church Fenton, Yorkshire
Destination airport:
HJ713 Collided with DD738 nr Market Weighton and crashed Shipton Thorpe Yorks, 02/10/43.
P/O QUINN (pilot) RAFVR - injured
F/Sgt (1585185) Stanley Albert CARTER (pilot) RAFVR - Killed
Sgt (953382) Herbert Anthony HAY (pilot) RAFVR - Killed
Sgt (1681770) John Cosson SCAMMELL (nav.) RAFVR - killed
Date: 22-MAR-1944
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito T.Mk III
Owner/operator: 13 OTU RAF
Registration: HJ913
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities: 0
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: nr Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, England. - United Kingdom
Phase: En route
Nature: Training
Departure airport: RAF Finmere, Oxfordshire
Destination airport:
HJ913 - Lost height and crashlanded nr Buckingham 22.3.1944.
Date: 07-JUN-1944
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito NF.Mk XIII
Owner/operator: 29 Sqn RAF
Registration: HK413
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities: 0
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: farmer field in La Bigne, 4 miles SW of Aunay sur Odon. - France
Phase: Combat
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAF West Malling, Kent
Destination airport:
HK413 - Missing from night patrol over Normandy. They were in a long dog fight and his plane caught fire and came to ground on a farmers field in La Bigne near Caen in France. 7.6.1944.
F/Lt (121.088.) Ronald Richard DENSHAM (pilot) RAFVR - killed
F/O (126.080.) Henry William ELLIS DFM (nav.) RAFVR - killed

Edit: They were on a defensive patrol over Normandy. HK413 have (...or had) either a 'universal' or a 'thimble' nose...
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