13's.... (2 Viewers)

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Date: 03-FEB-1945
Type: de Havilland Mosquito NF.Mk XIII
Owner/operator: 29 Sqn RAF
Registration: HK513
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities: 0
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: RAF stn Hunsdon, Hertfordshire, England - United Kingdom
Phase: Landing
Nature: Military
Departure airport:
Destination airport: RAF Hunsdon Hertfordshire
HK513 - Bounced on landing overshot and overturned Hunsdon 3.2.1945

Seem to have been coded EW-A...
Date: 26-NOV-1944
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito FB.Mk VI
Owner/operator: 305 (Ziemi Wielkopolskiej) Sqn RAF
Registration: HP913
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities: 0
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: nr Reims. - France
Phase: En route
Nature: Military
Departure airport: A.75 Cambrai-Epinoy
Destination airport:
HP913 - Damaged by flak - hit and abandoned near Reims (F) 26.11.1944
Crew managed to reach Allies lines on a badly damaged plane and safely bailed out.
F/Sgt (P.704205) Zygmunt HAAS (pilot) PAF - Ok
P/O (P.2274) Tomasz Franciszek WILCZEWSKI (nav.) PAF - Ok

Coded SM-W...
Has anyone come across this decal sheet, from Kits at War? It has HR113, LA-V on it...


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Date: 09-APR-1945
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito FB.Mk VI
Owner/operator: 1330 CU RAF
Registration: HX813
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: 8 miles SE of RAF stn Cairo West. - Egypt
Phase: Manoeuvring (airshow, firefighting, ag.ops.)
Nature: Training
Departure airport: RAF Bilbeis
Destination airport:
HX813 - Broke up during roll 8m SE of RAF Cairo West 9.4 1945
Date: 21-JUL-1944
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito FB.Mk VI
Owner/operator: 2 GSU RAF
Registration: HX913
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 2
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: Portland Bill, Isle of Portland, Dorset, England. - United Kingdom
Phase: En route
Nature: Training
Departure airport: RAF Swanton Morley, Norfolk
Destination airport:
HX913 - Flew into hill in steep climb at Portland Bill, Dorset, on night navex. 21.7.1944.
F/Lt (88448.) Robert Lewis BROWN (pilot) RAFVR - killed
Sgt (1333631.) Thomas CHAMBERS (nav.) RAFVR - killed


Date: 23-APR-1944
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito FB.Mk VI
Owner/operator: 305 (Ziemia Wielkopolska) Sqn RAF
Registration: LR313
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: 6km S of Clermont. - France
Phase: Combat
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAF Lasham, Hampshire
Destination airport:
LR313 - Missing on night Intruder mission 23.4.1944
Shot down by flak over France. The crew escaped captivity and returned to Britain.
W/O (P.793977) Tadeusz CIULA (pilot) PAF - baled out OK
F/O (P.2244) Jan Marceli ROSINSKI (STEIN) (nav.) PAF - baled out OK

LR313 was coded SM-B


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Interesting that the pics in post #2347 show aircraft from 464 Sqn, yet the listing shows 2 GSU.
From memory, the people walking in the center of the second pic include 'Pick' Pickard, who lead, and was lost on the Amiens prison raid.
Date: 26-JUN-1944
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito PR.Mk IX
Owner/operator: 540 Sqn RAF
Registration: LR413
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: Corsica - France
Phase: En route
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAF North Front, Gibraltar
Destination airport:
LR413 - Crashlanded in Corsica after PR mission to Marseille 26.6.1944
F/Lt (106.025) David George ROCHFORD (pilot) RAFVR - Ok
F/Sgt J.C. JACK (nav.) RAFVR - Ok
Mosquito B Mk. IX LR513 GB-U

Mosquito ML913 GB-U.jpg

Date: 07-OCT-1944
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito B.Mk XVI
Owner/operator: 571 Sqn RAF
Registraion: MM113
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: Missing - Germany
Phase: En route
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAF Oakington, Cambridgeshire
Destination airport:
MM113 - Missing (op.Berlin) 7.10.1944
F/Lt (47661) George William MCCALLUM (pilot) RAF - POW
Sgt (1395170) Leslie Williams CLAYDON (nav.) RAFVR - POW

She was coded 8K-G
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Date: 11-APR-1944
Time: 20:50
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito FB.Mk VI
Owner/operator: 248 Sqn RAF
Registration: MM413
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities: 0
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: Wheal Christopher Farm, Sithney, Helston, England. - United Kingdom
Phase: Take off
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAF Portreath, Cornwall
Destination airport:
MM413 - While on takeoff an night antiaircraft patrol crashed into a cloud covered hill. 11.4.1944
F/Sgt (655135) Peter HUNT (pilot) RAFVR - killed
F/Sgt (1324169) Wilfred William Murdoch MILNE (nav.) RAFVR - killed
Date: 14-SEP-1944
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito PR.Mk XVI
Owner/operator: 653 (WR) Sqn USAAF
Registration: NS513
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: / Occupants: 2
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: RAF stn Watton / USAAF Sta 376, Norfolk, England. - United Kingdom
Phase: Landing
Nature: Military
Departure airport:
Destination airport: RAF Watton/Sta 376
NS513 - Landing accident. 14.9.1944.
Lt. Ford D. PORTER Jr. (pilot) USAAF

Date: 14-OCT-1945
Type: de Havilland Mosquito PR.Mk XVI
Owner/operator: 87 (PR) Sqn RAAF
Registration: NS813
C/n / msn: A52-613
Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Airplane damage: Substantial
Location: RAAF stn Charleville QLD - Australia
Phase: Take off
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAAF Charleville QLD
Destination airport:
A52-613 NS813 PR.16 10/04/45 2 AD. 08/07/45 87 Sqd. 14/10/45 Aircraft swung on take off at Charleville QLD. The engines throttled back 400m form the end of the runway but the swing continued and the undercarriage collapsed. 13/12/45 3 CRD. 14/02/46 Converted to components.
Crew: ?

Date: 16-JUN-1944
Type: de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito FB.Mk VI
Owner/operator: 305 (Ziemi Wielkopolskiej) Sqn RAF
Registration: NS913
C/n / msn: SM-T
Fatalities: Fatalities: 2 / Occupants: 2
Other fatalities: 0
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: North Sea nr Oue, W of Hadsund. - Denmark
Phase: Combat
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAF West Raynham, Norfolk
Destination airport:
NS913 Shot down in his by FW190. Crew baled out were too low over the sea.16.6.1944
Mission day ranger operation to Denmark.
The aircraft belonged to PAF (RAF) 305 Sqn Fighter Command and was coded SM-T.
T/o 09:00 West Raynham. OP: Day Ranger to Denmark.
Crew NS913 took off together with a Mosquito piloted by W/Cdr "Bob" Braham on a Day Ranger to Denmark.
They crossed the Danish west coast at 10:34 hours at low level and split up. Braham continued towards København while Herrick turned north towards Aalborg flying in the clouds at 600 metres. Their approach had been noticed by the Germans and fighters from Aalborg Ost were scrambled.
By accident Herrick was spotted as a shadow in the clouds while flying over a Fw 190 piloted by Leutnant Robert Spreckels of 10./JG 11. Spreckles was based at Aalborg and had been in one of those aircrafts that was scrambled. Herrick appeared to feel fairly safe in the clouds and Spreckles followed him. When Spreckles had closed to about 10 metres he fired a short bust that set the Mosquito on fire. Herrick turned sharply left and by doing so came out of the clouds. Spreckles followed the Mosquito close and saw something drop from the aircraft before it crashed in a wood near Oue west of Hadsund.
Local people watching the aircrafts saw a person jump from the Mosquito moments before it crashed.The body of this person was found not far from the burning wreck.
Alexander Turski was laid to rest in Frederikshavn cemetery on 20/6 1944.
The author believes that what Spreckles saw fall from the Mosquito was in fact Herrich bailing out. The level was too low and he fell to his death in Mariager Fjord.
A couple of weeks later the death body of an English flyer was found near Flintevig Hage by some fishermen. It was taken to Ourgaard Mill and placed on the bed of a waggon and placed outside the Mill. In the afternoon the body was picked up by the Wehrmacht.
S/Ldr (33566) Michael James HERRICK DFC bar (pilot) RAF - killed
F/O (P.0862) Aleksander Marcin TURSKI (nav.) PAF - killed
Date: 02-APR-1945
Type: de Havilland Mosquito FB.Mk VI
Owner/operator: 248 Sqn RAF
Registration: RF613
C/n / msn:
Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 2
Airplane damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location: Sävedalens (nr Skaggerak) - Sweden
Phase: En route
Nature: Military
Departure airport: RAF Banff, Aberdeenshire
[B]Destination airport:
RF613 - Forcelanded in Sweden after engine failure over Skaggerak 2.4.1945
W/O (1322826) Dennis Ernest GOODMAN (pilot.) RAFVR - Ok
W/O (1169626) Reginald Robert James GENNO (nav.) RAFVR - Ok

Mosquito RF613.jpg

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