13's.... (2 Viewers)

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302494-alexfas01 (1).jpg
Nice ones my friend! :thumbright:
The last one is the Su-22, right?


One of the 614th TFS aircraft (55-3813) at Phan Rang. Comment by Duane Clawson: 55-3813 is shown loaded with four M117 750lb bombs. The 35TFW carried these frequently, as they were left over from the Korean war. Some of the bombs still had 1950s shipping labels on them from the Port Chicago Naval Munitions storage yard, near my home. The Australian Canberras at Phan Rang also used these.

Photo by Lee Howard

Information supplied by Duane Clawson: 56-3113 was sent to SEA (Southeast Asia) in March, 1968, and was assigned to the 352TFS in June, 1968. (Note the 352TFS sign/yellow stripe on the nose door.) This picture would have to have been at Phan Rang AB, RVN, sometime between March, 1968 to January, 1969, when 113 was shot down. Note the sand bags in the background.

Photo by PIF
.....and another of 56-3813..


Fred Salvidge comments; I was the crew chief on that airplane (called Mr. Lucky) and had one our pilots in the 309TFS photograph it one day on a mission. It was taken during the latter part of my tour at Tuy Hoa and the aircraft subsequently went from the 309th over to the 416th (I believe) right after I left in December 1969. The aircraft was used mostly on Misty missions.

58-1213, 352nd TFS, Phan Rang.

Photo by Unknown...


Note by Brushface: 58-1213 was last seen at Davis Monthan in December of 1971. The rumor was that all 1958 models were used in explosive testing in Colorado, but I can not confirm this. But I do know that none of them ever made into drones.

Photo by Bob Dunham


Photo by Bob Dunham


Photo by Bob Dunham
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Yep.. I know the cardboard kit. Unfortunately not too good. The one published a few years ago seems to be better. The Karaya kit is nothing more but the reboxed KP one with a couple of adds mentioned on the top box. To be honest without the aftermarket resin and PE sets for cockpit etc it isn't too good too. I would say it was cheapper to by the Mastercraft kit and then these adds.
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