13's.... (1 Viewer)

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Sorry Jan ,Found out today the library no longer has it due to some person who loved the book so much he decided not to return it

They're around $100 over here ,Grrrrrrrrrrr...........
Is there any checkered or striped Fw 190's numbered 13, of JG1? *fingers crossed*

Haven't seen one either BUT! there is a distinct possibility that there was one, will check JG 1 loss lists for the period.....

Jan, have done a check and found a single loss...

26.07.43 Uffz. Willi Kuhn 2/JG 1 KIA, Fw190A-5 W.Nr.410196 "Black 13"

Shot down in combat with four engined bombers near Hattendorf

This is the only Fw190 "13" loss during the period of June '43 through to Feb '44

So in theory this aircraft should have the Red and Black checkerboard marking, the number being black with a red outline?
Thank you frightfully Wayne, VERY much appreciated! Red/Black checkers....crikey! I have the Sky Models Fw 190A/F decal sheet, Sky 48-056, it has a 13 with red outline on it, have you seen it, it's the rounded style, would that be suitable for Uffz. Willi Kuhn's machine?

Know the one you mean...I have a suspicion that it is not the right type of style...?

There is a profile (will scan it) of Black 3....squared style, supposedly done from footage of 2 staffel 190's
Another few 13's, don't think that these has been mentioned before....

18.12.43, IV./JG5, FW 190A-3 Wk. Nr. 5500, Yellow 13, Uffz. Paul Fleischhauer, MIA,
14.05.43, 3./JG5 Bf 109G-2 Wk. Nr.10331, Yellow 13, Uffz. Arnold Koch, MIA
10.08.43, 7./JG5 Bf 109G-2 Wk. Nr.10406, White 13, Uffz. Alfred Leipersberger Shot down by a P-39, MIA
26.09.44, 11./JG5 Bf 109 G2 Wk. Nr. 14630, Yellow 13, Uffz Heinrich, Shot down.
Lt Horst Preschel yellow 13 Fw 190A-8/R2, # 681290, 7.Sturm/JG 4 27. 09. 44 shot down wounded.

Gefr. Horst Helfrich 11./JG 4, Bf 109G-14, # 781161, yellow 13, wounded on 27. 09. 44 over Holland.

Uffz. Heinrich Brüggemeier, 12./JG 4 KIA on 02. 11.44. Bf 109G-14 # 460393, blue 13, crashed on landing.

Gefr. Karl Hagemann, Black 13, 6.Sturm/JG 4, Fw 190A-8/R8, # 682319 shot down in air combat over Wispertal wounded on December 19, 1944.
THANK YOU everybody! I think that we've managed to gather a few 13's, eh?

21/08/43: Uffz. Ulrich Wenzel, 9./JG 77, Bf 109 G-6, Wk. Nr. 19954, "Yellow 13", 30 km off La Galite, MIA.
07/09/43: Fw. Herbert Herglotz, 7./JG 1 Bf 109 G-6, Wk. Nr. 20585, "White 13", combat with Spitfires, crashed into the North Sea - Pl. Qu. DH/EH, MIA.
16/04/43: Lt. Hans-Joachim Schmidt, 8./JG 2 Fw 190 A-5, Wk. Nr. 152705, "Black 13", fuel shortage, crashed into the sea W. Brest, MIA.
12/12/44: Gefr. Kurt Nickel, 2./JG 3 Bf 109 G-10, Wk. Nr. 490759, "Black 13", combat, MIA.
17/12/44: Obgfr. Josef Bleicher, 4./JG 3 Bf 109 G-14, Wk. Nr. 783881, "Green 13", combat, MIA.
27/12/44: Uffz. Gustav Aigner, 11./JG 3 Bf 109 G-14, Wk. Nr. 464118, "Yellow 13 + |", combat with P-47, S. Malmédy, MIA.
02/01/45: Uffz. Josef Hener, 7. (St.)/JG 4 FW 190 A-8/R2, Wk. Nr. 682667, "yellow 13", combat, near Hagenau - Weissenburg, MIA.
10/08/43: Uffz. Alfred Leibersperger, 7./JG 5 Bf 109 G-2, Wk. Nr. 10406, "White 13", Combat with Hampden, Pl. Qu. 014/37E, near Berveläg, 60 km n.e. of Makur, MIA.
18/12/43: Uffz. Paul Fleischhauer, 12./JG 5 Fw 190 A-3, Wk. Nr. 5500, "Yellow 13", combat, Cap Stadlandet, MIA.
25/08/44: Lt. Hans Schwarz, 6./JG 6 Fw 190 A-8, Wk. Nr. 171522, "Black 13", combat with P-38 near La Fère, MIA.
21/05/43, Uffz. Erwin Pieler, 6./JG 11 Bf 109 G-6, Wk. Nr. 18208, "Yellow 13", combat with four-engined, crashed into the sea, MIA.
26/09/44: Uffz. Walter Pyttlik, 5./JG 11 Bf 109 G-6, Wk. Nr. 412771, "Black 13", reason and place unknown, MIA.
28/09/44: Uffz. Alfons Distelmeier, 3./JG 11 Fw 190 A-8, Wk. Nr.173038, "Yellow 13", near Arnhem - Nijmegen, MIA.
10/06/43: Uffz. Friedrich Cziossek 6./JG 27 Bf 109 G-4/trop, Wk. Nr. 15041, "Yellow 13 + -", combat with fighter NW Pantelleria, MIA.
26/06/44: Fw. Josef Siegmund I./JG 27, 14./JG 27 Bf 109 G-6, Wk. Nr. 165075, "Red 13", ferry flight Angers-Greenus, combat with P-38 near Angers, MIA.
19/08/44: Gefr. Günther Arnold, 12./JG 27 Bf 109 G-6, Wk. Nr. 413717, "Blue 13 + |", unknown reason W. Paris, MIA.
2/01/1940 Lt.Walter RUPP Air Combat Damaged E-? White 13+
30/09/1940 Fw. Walter Scholz POW Forced landing after combat E-4 1325 "Yellow 13+"
16/07/1941 Lt. Norbert Schafer POW Forced landing after combat F-2 12860 "White 13+"
27/09/1942 Uffz.Adolf Jennerich POW Shot down by Flak F-4Trop 7006 "White 13+I"
29/12/1942 Uffz.Johann Niederreter MIA Escort for Recon didn't return G-2 10518 "Yellow 13"
5/04/1943 Uffz.Erich Roscheck MIA Combat with Spitfires G-6 16432 "Black 13+"
20/04/1943 ? Bombing Raid G-6 16530 "White 13+ -"
27/04/1943 Uffz.Heinz Hoffmann MIA Combat with Spitfires G-4 15086 "White 13+"
27/04/1943 Engine failure on landing G-4 10642 "White 13+ -"
19/05/1943 Uffz.Gerhard Tummler MIA Air combat? G-6 19665 "White 13+I"
22/05/1943 Veered off runway on takeoff G-6 18085 "Black 13+I"
29/06/1943 Uffz.Hermann Harnisch POW Engine failure G-6 18188 "Black 13+I"
11/07/1943 Lt.Siegried Beer MIA Cause unknown G-6 18496 "Black 13+I"
30/12/1943 Uffz.Fritz Horber W Shot down by Flak G-6 410021 "Black 13+"
16/02/1944 Lt.Elmar Beckmann KIA Air Combat G-6 162182 "Yellow 13+I"
11/03/1944 FhjUffz.Heinrich Thuroff W Combat with B-17's G-6 161762 "Yellow 13+"
13/05/1944 Oblt.Gunther Seege belly landing G-6 "White 13+ -"
13/05/1944 Uffz.Rudolf Schoppe KIA Shot down combat p-51's/P-47's G-6/R1 15928 "Black 13+ -"
31/07/1944 Uffz Erich Thiel MIA Shot down combat p-51's G-6 162391 "Black 13+"
26/09/1944 Uffz.Karl-Heinz Ludwig KIA Combat bailed out Parachute failed G-14/AS 460623 "White 13+I"
1/01/1945 Uffz. Herbert Maxis KIA Shot down AA Pilot shot G-14/AS 784993 "White 13+"
7/02/1945 Obfw Walter Rowenstrunk MIA Combat cause unknown G-10 612717 "Black 13+"
13/03/1945 Lt. Richard Heilmann KIA Shot down combat Enemy Fighters K-4 331506 "White 13+"
13/03/1945 Fw. Bruno Nuser POW Shot down combat p-51's K-4 332709 "Yellow 13+"
7.11.44 Fw. Hans Hegener, 12/JG54, Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 210063 "Red 13", damaged in belly landing.
14.1.45 Oblt Gerhard Vogt, 5/JG26 , Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 210176, "White 13" (St. Kapt) KIA aircraft destroyed
4.2.45 Uffz. Georg Gude, 6/JG301, Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 210241, "Red 13" MIA Jabo mission.
14.1.45 Fw. Clemens Schmoll, 6/JG301, Fw 190D-9 Wk. Nr. 210913, "Red 13", KIA shot down. US Fighters
14.2.45 Obfw Willi Frank, 7/JG301 , Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 210919, "Yellow 13", KIA shot down US fighters.
26.12.44, Uffz.Hermann Grad, 4/JG26 , Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 210935, "Blue 13", KIA shot down
,bailed out shot on landing by US Infantry.
12.2.45 Fw. Erwin Gsteu, 6/JG6 , Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 211068, "Black 13", Shot down by flak, fate unknown.
24.2.45 Fw.Erich Lange, 10/JG54 , Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 211095, "Black 13", KIA shot down by Tempest.
25.12.44 Fw. Alfred Hoppe, 7/JG26, Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 400208, "Brown 13", KIA shot down on recon mission.
18.12.44 Uffz.Gotfried Burckhardt, 8/JG26, Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 400209, "Blue 13", WIA landing accident.
25.2.45 Uffz.Emil Bruhan, 1/JG26 , Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 400241, "White 13", KIA after belly landing.
xx.xx.xx Obgefr. Dieter Krageloh, 3/JG26, Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 500093, "Yellow 13", POW Shot down by Flak - belly landing.
24.12.44 Uffz.Wilhelm Jesinger, Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 600174, "White 13" MIA shot down P-38
xx.xx.xx 6/JG26, Fw 190D-9, Wk. Nr. 601315, "Black 13" Destroyed on ground at Hustedt, by retreating troops.
26.07.43 Uffz. Willi Kuhn, 2/JG 1, Fw190A-5 W.Nr.410196 "Black 13", KIA
18.12.43 Uffz. Paul Fleischhauer, IV./JG5, FW 190A-3, Wk. Nr. 5500, "Yellow 13", MIA,
14.05.43 Uffz. Arnold Koch, 3./JG5 Bf 109G-2, Wk. Nr.10331, 'Yellow 13", MIA
10.08.43 Uffz. Alfred Leipersberger 7./JG5 Bf 109G-2, Wk. Nr.10406, "White 13", Shot down by a P-39, MIA
26.09.44 Uffz Heinrich, 11./JG5 Bf 109 G2 Wk. Nr. 14630, "Yellow 13", Shot down.
27. 09. 44 Lt Horst Preschel, 7.Sturm/JG4, Fw 190A-8/R2, Wk. Nr. 681290, "Yellow 13", shot down wounded.
27.09.44 Gefr. Horst Helfrich, 11./JG 4, Bf 109G-14, Wk. Nr. 781161, "Yellow 13", wounded on over Holland.
19.12.44 Gefr. Karl Hagemann, 6.Sturm/JG 4, Fw 190A-8/R8, Wk. Nr. 682319, "Black 13", shot down in air combat over Wispertal wounded on .

The 13's that I have decals for....

Heinrich Bartels "Red 13" Bf 109G-6/Trop, JG27 southern Greece in November '43.
Heinrich Bartels "Black 13" Bf 109F-4, JG5, Petsamo, Finland.
Klaus Lambio, "Yellow 13" Bf 109G-6, 9./JG300, Juterbog-Waldlager, Germany.
Unknown, "Yellow 13", Bf109F-04, 3./JG3, eastern front '42.
Unknown, "Brown 13", Bf 109 F-4B, 1./JG54, eastern front wintern '41-'42.
Gunther Rall, "Black 13", Bf 109G-2, 8./JG52, eastern front September '43.
Unknown, "White 13" Bf 109E-3, 3./JG54, shot down over Lydd, England in Ocober '40.
Unknown, "Yellow 13", Bf 109E-4, 9./JG54, '40 (tiger striped).
Unknown, "Red 13", Bf 109E-1, 2./JG26, France early '40.
Josef "Pips" Priller, "Black 13", FW 190A-8 Stab./JG26 France, June '44.
Heinz Bar, "Red 13", Fw 190A-7, 2./JG1, Darmstadt, Germany '45.
E. Hondt, "Black 13" Fw 190A-5, 2./JG11, Husum, Denmark October '43.
Wilhelm Crinius, "Yellow 13" Bf 109G-2/R1 Trop, 3./JG53, Bizerta, Tunisia, January '43.
Walter Dahl, "Blue 13" Fw 190A-8/R2, Stab./JG300, Juterborg, Germany, December '44.
Klaus Faber, "Red 13", Fw 190D-9, JV44, Ainring Airfield, Germany '45.
Unknown, "Yellow 13", Bf 109K-4, 15./JG53, Koblenz, Germany '45.
I know....! Would need a second job, another few years added to my life, build an extension, sponsorship for paints, glues etc.! You're right though, would have been an impressive line up! 8)

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