13's.... (1 Viewer)

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B-24D-C0 Liberator 41-11613....
Was HALPRO #10 'Florine Jo Jo/Blue Streak', later to 93rd BG. Lost with 93rd BG on Ploesti raid Rumania on the 1st of August 1943. MACR 333.
There's also another reference (Al Blue) which has this plane as having been scrapped Nov 20, 1944. The IARC has this plane as returning to USA Feb 26, 1944-Mar 2, 1944, and going to reclamation at Keesler AAF, MS on the 20th of November 1944, and reclamation completed as RB-24D on the 24th of May 1946.


41-11613 | American Air Museum in Britain
American-built .....

"... B-24D 41-11613 "The Blue Streak" of 514th BS, 376th BG, 9th AF. Originally named "Florine Ju Ju" then 'Teggie Ann'. She was a member of the HALPRO group that eventually became the 376th Bomb Group. The aircraft was a veteran of the first high level Ploesti mission in 1942 but not part of the 1943 low level raid. The A/C went on to survive 110 missions with the 376th bomb group and was sent home for a war bond tour. She survived 19 months of battle overseas, and 1,058 combat hours. Her scoreboard reads one destroyer, one merchant vessel, one tanker, and 23 enemy aircraft destroyed. She dropped 297 tons of bombs, and never lost a man. The ship required 19 engines, two new wings, one new rudder, and many aluminum patches during her career."


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Jan, I found the interesting picture. The caption says - the Moltke bridge, Berlin 1945.


I would like to pay your attention to the two first heavy tanks that just crossed the bridge. Can you see ?

KW2 white 13_c.jpg

I think it could be the "White 13" tank we can see in those images we had found ...

KW2 white 13_d.jpg
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Also please make a focus on the right bottom corner of the shot with the Moltke Bridge where you can notice the T-34 "White 183" and a ISU-152 that is seen partially.


It apperes there is another part of the shot with the panorama of the bridge that shows the T-34 and the ISU-152 fully. I have enlarged it a little bit and .. I would say the ISU-152 was marked with 513 number.

moltke_bridge ISU-152.jpg

moltke_bridge ISU-152_1.jpg

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