1918-1939 The eBay finds

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Klemm L26c II 379 D-2345 D-EGUF Luftfahrtverein Bielefeld 00.00.34


  1. http://www.airhistory.org.uk/gy/Historic D-a.txt
  2. Foto Flugzeug Stadt Bielefeld, Flieger um 1930, TOP | eBay
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I agree on the top and bottom image. That's the Praga E-241. But the middle one is the Avia Bš-122. An military trainer variant of the Ba.122 with staggered wings and powered by the Walter Castor IIA engine. If you have a close up look at the pic you may notice the logo of the Avia firm on the fuselage side behind the dark red painted nose ...

Avia Bš-122.jpg

Avia Bš-122_cz.jpg

avia logo.jpg

the source: Avia Bš-122 : Avia
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