The following information is for Yak-1 No. O406 and ( MiG-3 No.3943 a late lengthened version). The best information I could locate for the Hurricane II was on Mike Williams' Site (no surprise there). Speed taken from a calculation at +12psi graph dated 26 Aug.'41 and the climb data is from a climb graph for a standard Mk.IIB at 7,330 lbs. and dated 15 Jan.'42
Altitude.Speed/Climb Yak-1 (MiG-3) Hurricane II.
Maximums: 358 mph @ 15,650 ft. / 3100 fpm @ 9,020 ft. (382 mph @ 25,600 ft. / 2340 fpm @ 11,150 ft.) Mk.II: 342 mph @ 22,000 ft. / 2,750 fpm @ S.L.
Turn time 360 degrees: 20 (22) 17L/18R seconds.
Combat (1000) fpm: 27,170 (29,910) 27.850 ft.
Operational (500) fpm: 30,890 (33,380) 32,600 ft.
Service (100) fpm: 33,770 (37,720) 36,500 ft.
Time to 16,400 ft.: 5.3 (7.1) 6.45 minutes.
Range: 434 (447) 480 internal, 985 max. external mls.
Engine: M-105P (M-35A) 1,100 (1,350) 1,320 hp. in stage 1 supercharger. 1,050 (1,200) hp. 2nd stage.
Combat Weight: 6,269 (7,272) 7,330 lbs.
Wing Loading (at take-off): 33.96- (38.74+) 28.47 lbs/sq.ft.
Power Loading (at maximum output): 5.699+(5.387-) 5.553 lbs/hp.
Armament: 1 x 20mm/120 rds. + 2 x 7.62/750 rpg. (1 x 12.7 mm/300 rds. + 2 x 7.62 mm/750 rpg.) Mk.IIC: 4 x 20mm/90 rpg.
There is no question in my mind that the Hurricane Mk.II could turn tighter than either of the Russian A/C. It does appear that the Yak-1 probably had the ability to dictate the terms of battle below 20,000 ft. As far as the Russians were concerned the Yak-1 was the better air superiority fighter. Although the Hurricane is definitely the better fighter/bomber, because of its firepower.
So like every "Best" thread, it just boils down to what you want/need out of a fighter.
There is no doubt that one of the top three Allied fighters for 1941 is the Spitfire Vc, operational in October 1941.
I haven't made up my mind for the 2nd/3rd choice. I am pondering P-39D-1, Yak-1 and P-40 (early Tomahawks were very maneuverable (in the Spitfire class). I also like nuuuumannn's choice of P-40D (a lighter weight P-40E).