1st Lieutenant
Airframe. RM 141,246 total.
(Audit report 1942/1943, BArch R 8135/7560 page 76)
RM 107,966 material cost.
RM 6,876 labor cost. 4.86% of total airframe cost.
Labor costs to produce Ju-88 wing set amounted to about RM 3,400 during 1942.
Allied propaganda aside, Junkers did not employ slave labor during 1942.
It's readily apparent that labor (i.e. man hours) were a minor part of production cost.
2nd quarter 1942 man hour requirements.
(Durchlaufzeit in produktiven Studen)
3,406. Me-109
5,144. Fw-190
14,759. Ju-88A
…..Ju-88A labor hours dropped to 11,807 by 4th quarter 1943.
Early 1941 engine price.
(Olaf Groehlers GdLK)
2 x Jumo 211 engines cost RM 61,750.
Jumo 211 engine production was established on a massive scale similar to Ju-88 airframe production. By 1942 Junkers was producing more Jumo 211 engines then needed. So what do a pair of Jumo 211 engines cost during late 1942? Ju-88 airframe cost dropped about 25% between early 1941 and late 1942. If we assume similar cost reduction for Jumo 211 engines then they cost about RM 45,000.
After adding other government installed equipment such as machineguns and bomb sight a combat ready late 1942 Ju-88A dive bomber should cost about RM 200,000.
(Audit report 1942/1943, BArch R 8135/7560 page 76)
RM 107,966 material cost.
RM 6,876 labor cost. 4.86% of total airframe cost.
Labor costs to produce Ju-88 wing set amounted to about RM 3,400 during 1942.
Allied propaganda aside, Junkers did not employ slave labor during 1942.
It's readily apparent that labor (i.e. man hours) were a minor part of production cost.
2nd quarter 1942 man hour requirements.
(Durchlaufzeit in produktiven Studen)
3,406. Me-109
5,144. Fw-190
14,759. Ju-88A
…..Ju-88A labor hours dropped to 11,807 by 4th quarter 1943.
Early 1941 engine price.
(Olaf Groehlers GdLK)
2 x Jumo 211 engines cost RM 61,750.
Jumo 211 engine production was established on a massive scale similar to Ju-88 airframe production. By 1942 Junkers was producing more Jumo 211 engines then needed. So what do a pair of Jumo 211 engines cost during late 1942? Ju-88 airframe cost dropped about 25% between early 1941 and late 1942. If we assume similar cost reduction for Jumo 211 engines then they cost about RM 45,000.
After adding other government installed equipment such as machineguns and bomb sight a combat ready late 1942 Ju-88A dive bomber should cost about RM 200,000.