2 March, 1945... The Ta 152H's Almost Defining Moment...

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if only the JG 300 crates with red bands could somehow get 1/2 of the band in red the forward part in yellow .......... then you have IV./JG 301

the other bird with the blue/wh./blue band well can tell you that blue on the band is way too dark.....oh well
let me just double check but you have skins for the Fw 190A-8/A-9's of JG 301 and the Ta 152H-1's from Geschwaderstab JG 301 correcto ??

E ~ 8)
I could maybe make you a skin if you show me a profile or a photograph...
But I've never seen Bf-109 Jg-301 paintschemes before!
Say Les', on the G10 of JG300, could you possibly answer a couple of questions please? A) Is it 1/JG300, or I/JG300? Reason I ask is, on the Reich Defence band, there's what appears to be the underlying outline of a III Gruppe bar. B) Do you happen to know the RLM colours used?
Sorry if I've missed something and asking you to repaeat info, I've only just started reading this thread. As you might know from the Modelling threads, I'm in the process of doing some profiles for '109 Roaming', (and anyone else that downloads them!) and this particular scheme could be useful.
Thanks, Terry.
Almost..... Im working through the 40 pages of Mustangs now Bill, found me a whole bunch now for the 339th and the 357thFG's.........

Im happy now, if only the 109 skins would show up......

Dan - Roger Freeman's Mighty Eighth has complete and pretty reliable side elevations for all the 8th AF Fighter Groups and Squadrons. If you run into a wall PM and I will scan.
I'll put comment over here as well, very impressive Dan, again makes me think what really went on that confusing day for JG 301

thumbs up Buddy 8)

E ~
Very impressive Dan. Pretty darn spectacular video there. I also esp. liked the black white shots.

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