2008 Hooters Calendar.

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Staff Sergeant
Jul 2, 2006
Kiwi Land



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Leave it to Lucky to save the day.

Is it just me (getting older and older) or do the girls with the british t-shirts on look like they are 14 or 15 years old.
I hope not....they work for Hooters it seems....if not the pic will be removed in three seconds flat!

Edit: Removed it anyway....I don't want to get into trouble and I DO NOT want this forum to get into trouble....better to be safe than sorry....too many sick weirdos out there.
Okay but now seriously guys, we do not need more than one hot ladies thread.

Post all pictures of ladies in the dedicated thread and not this one.

I think she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.

Seriously Dale you fail...
I thought the expression was kind of funny "#@*K#$@ photographers"

Sorry Bud, I'll makeup for it if you point me to the hot ladies thread ;)
I schedule my deliveries to Hooters to coincide with their being open surprisingly very few of them have taken the opportunity to take me out
Lesson# 42: How to stop a thread cold.


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