2014 Foto Fest Mk.II

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Jeff Hunt

1st Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2012
Guelph Ontario Canada
Good morning lads. Start of a new month and yesterday started the air show / fly -in season for me so I thought I would start a new thread to include photos taken this year from my part of the world. I know last week I mentioned in a thread that June would be Mustang Month but I am going to postpone that till the off season and for the next few months the pictures in the post will be taken at 2014 events. I will return to past years photos at a later date.

Yesterday saw the first, and hopefully annual BCATP fly- in that was hosted by the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum located in Hamilton Ontario. The weather was perfect, 23 degrees celsius and clear blue skies. As usual I arrived before the gates opened but I was able to get a number of shots over and through various fences next to the museum. I also managed to shoot some of the local freighters, DC-10s and 727s which fly for Purolator or Kelowna Flightcraft. As opening approached I trekked up to the north end of the airport as Runway 06 was the active and positioned myself to catch the arrivals. I remained there until about 11:00, just after the Lancaster returned from a one hour local paying customer flight and then headed inside the museum and out onto the tarmac.

Many of the airframes were familiar to me as they are "local" birds but there were a few new ones. The CWH had pulled out their BCATP stuff, some of which were busy flying paying folks and some which are currently not airworthy but still looking great. The CWH also had their new C-47 on the ramp and I must say it looks great in the green and white scheme it carries as a left over from its government service days here in Canada. I had not seen this aircraft for probably close to 20 years so it was nice to renew our acquaintance.

Anyhow, enough rambling, you guys did not come here to read, I assume you came for the pictures so lets begin.


Partial ramp shot from CWH observation deck.


another deck shot



The Lancaster returns. If she looks a bit different it is because she is missing the squadron individual letter. The "A" has been removed in order to have her take on the temporary markings of another 419 Squadron aircraft. This will be temporary and the markings will include shark's teeth on the engine cowlings. The change over is for the CWH event scheduled for June 14/15. I will be there to "cover" it for you guys. For more information on this event you can click on the link.

Skyfest event on June 14-15, 2014 at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum


Terry, if you don't kick yourself hard enough to get back, don't worry. We'll kick you back!

Jeff, I won't be making it to Hamilton this year but Genesseo is a good possibility. I'm guessing they'll make the Lanc look like Ropey....


  • Lanc13.jpg
    36 KB · Views: 173
Nice shots Jeff. If you managed to pull off a few hundred shots of the PT-17 it would be great as I just purchased the 1/48 and will be doing it as an RCAF Bird.


Maybe not a few hundred but a few.... hope they are of some assistance.

I will be going back to Hamilton in a couple of weeks for their show, let me know what you need photo wise and I will do my best to get it for you.






Terry, if you don't kick yourself hard enough to get back, don't worry. We'll kick you back!

Jeff, I won't be making it to Hamilton this year but Genesseo is a good possibility. I'm guessing they'll make the Lanc look like Ropey....

Too bad about Hamilton but if you are going to Geneseo I will be there for sure. On Friday and Saturday, if you want to meet up I will be at the at the west end of the flight line right beside the taxiway. On the Friday my car, a silver Corolla will be with me. Stop by for a meet. On Sunday I move down to east of the announcer stand.


Thanks Jeff. I have absolutely nothing on this aircraft with regards to the bracing wires. The model will be my first attempt in years after a near tragic meltdown involving a 1/48 Airco DH.2.

OK Jeff, will keep that in mind. Not 100% sure I will get there just yet.

Geo, not to hijack Jeff's thread but here's one I took of the same aircraft that might help with the wires:

PT 27 Stearman 1 Pd.jpg

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