Yes, nice. Looks like you covered some ground there, Paul. In the background of some of the Great War USAF Museum shots you can see the former RAF Museum barrage balloon. Traded for something, but can't remember what.
Thanks guys, a few more. Glenn not sure if you seen it or not but the TBM 2nd year airshow is in May. Suppose to be 14 of them to show up. As of right now I am planning on going.
Yes, nice. Looks like you covered some ground there, Paul. In the background of some of the Great War USAF Museum shots you can see the former RAF Museum barrage balloon. Traded for something, but can't remember what.
Thanks guys, I never did figure out a good way to take these pictures of the different machine guns for aircraft through the glass but still kind of cool.
Great stuff paul.
Depending on reflection from overhead lights, using a Pola filter should reduce glare and reflection on the glass, at least to an extent.