24 Hours of Le Mans 100th anniversary.

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Staff Sergeant
Nov 3, 2022
Mansfield, Ohio, USA
This year's race represents the 100th anniversary of the first edition of the event. It's not the 100th race (there was a strike in 1936 that cancelled the race that year, and of course, World War II prevented any edition from being run from 1940-48).

Any thoughts, anyone going to watch or follow? I'll post more as we get closer to the race (June 10/11) if there's interest.
Sessions 1 and 2, both with Ferrari on top:

Toyota and Ferrari did, Toyota more so than Ferrari. The non-hybrid cars stay as it, while Cadillac and Porsche got minor weight bumps (Cadillac more than Porsche). The cars that did get weight increases also got power bumps, however.

However, this is the test day and the track was still dirty (public roads portion) or not rubbered in (permanent portions). I don't think we'll see what's what until Wednesday or maybe Thursday. Also add in the fact that off and on rain is forecast for much of the second half of next week as of now.

It should also be noted that the NASCAR-based Garage 56 entry was faster than the GT cars in both sessions.
Session one in the books:

Toyota still fastest eh?
Nope: both Ferraris fastest. Porsche also looking very strong and hopefully Peugeot concentrating on race setup. Special mention too for the Cadillacs, which as ever sounded awesome. In GT, AF Corse did what they do best and JOTA compensated for a wayward 963 by getting best time in LMP2.

It's shaping up to be a classic.
FP2 (second session was to set the field for Hyper-Pole) is in the books. It's Porsche's turn to lead the pack:

Ferrari back to the front in FP3:

Ferrari 1-2 in qualifying, and tops in final practice. I'll be watching the race most of the day and night Saturday/Sunday morning, aside from maybe a brief intermission to check out a mail delivery and brief breaks to check some stuff online.
As of now, at least provisionally (podium finishers have to pass post race tech), Ferrari has broken Toyota's win streak in which both cars faced issues (one spin and two failures to fire after a pit stop for the Ferrari, and the 2nd place Toyota being heavily damaged in an off). Euro Interpol won LMP2 (first Polish based team to win a class at Le Mans), and Corvette went from first, to worst, to first again in GTE. The NASCAR Garage 56 car also became one of the few of such Garage 56 entries to actually finish Le Mans.
Final results are still provisional as the ACO have confiscated certain parts from essentially the highest finishing of each Hypercar entry, and the LMP2 winner. No such events have been confirmed to have taken place in GTE.
Trivia: As I posted in the German fuel thread, all cars at Le Mans this year ran on a fuel mostly made mostly from wine wastes (grape skins, wine stills, etc) though a process called ethanol to gasoline.

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