6./JG 52...

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Read that it was blue with white outline.


The line up of aircraft in the pics above also appear to be covered with additional photos in Jagdwaffe Volume 1, Section 4 by Mombeek, Smith, and Creek. The pics might have been taken at Speyer airfield in March 1940 and the aircraft are noted to be E-1s (save for one oddball that appears to the author as an E-3 with a different staffel number). No 13 is visible in my reference though. The numbers are called out as yellow with black outline as stated above. The eagle is called out as black framed with blue and white and a close-up confirms the third lighter tone in addition to the black and white (see below). The eagle evolved from a simple black outline in January 1940 to the more elaborate style described above.

Good stuff chaps, and on closer examination, I agree about the yellow numbers. However, the eagle on '13' at least, is showing a lighter tonal range than the black of the cross. This may be an effect of highlight on the cowling, but compare to the others in the line-up. I still feel that this one, at least. is dark blue.
There were a couple variations of the eagle insignia, including a simple black outlined version that almost looked like it was applied by way of a stencil. If Yellow 13 had such an insignia, then the insignia would look lighter than the others because the color of the cowl would be showing between the outlines of the insignia.

I don't have my computer on at the moment, but I'll post an example in a little while, if that would help.
12 and 2's insignia are definately darker than 13's

Here's a few other examples from 6./Jg52:

Bf109E-1 (yellow 2 - WkNmr 2798) of Ulrich Steinhilper - Calais, France, September, 1940

Yellow 2's nose detail:

Bf109E-1 (yellow 1) of Werner Lederer - Speyer, Germany, 1940

Yellow 1's nose detail:
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Something bothering me about the Steinhilper aircraft. I'm fairly sure he was in the 'Boar's Head' JG - I'd need to check though.
I've just found some info in 'Luftwaffe Crash Archive, Vol 5', concerning the eagle emblem. On one particular crashed '109E, in October 1940, the crash report describes the eagle as blue, and there are B&W photos and a colour profile.
I'll try to post the info tomorrow if possible - feeling a bit rough at the moment, and need some sleep.

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