A beer to get 'bombed' on?

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Got this pump clip given to me by the Landlord of the pub in Mick's village. The beer will be on sale later this week - might have to go on a 'night Op'!!


  • Can Jan 808.jpg
    Can Jan 808.jpg
    48.5 KB · Views: 241
"Ah, Wensleydale! I'll have some of that then."
"No sir, that's me - Mr. Wensleydale."
"You do have some cheese then?"
"Er ... no."
"What sort of cheese shop do you call this then?!!!".
Yep, plenty about. Just pleased to get the pump clip, without having to ask for it or st ... er, liberate it! Might make a nice backdrop to some of my Lancaster internal fittings.

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