A few more future releases.

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Don't know, was wondering the same thing. I have a friend,(I know that's hard to believe) that is wanting a C-47 but can't afford the 1/48 kits. I've been trying to scrimp up enough to get one for him.
Don't know, was wondering the same thing. I have a friend,(I know that's hard to believe) that is wanting a C-47 but can't afford the 1/48 kits. I've been trying to scrimp up enough to get one for him.

Not just that, find it hard to believe that you have a friend besides us, aren't we good enough!!??

Pain in the tailpipe, thought that it would loads of sheets out, but.....nope!
Sure do pal!
Btw, for those interested, Tarangus, those that's making the SAAB 32 Lansen, says that their next 1/48 kit will be the SAAB Jakt Viggen, out no later than first quarter 2013.... 8)
Oh, btw.....
Those that make the 1/48 SAAB 32 Lansen, says that the next kit will be the J 37 Viggen, out no later than first quarter next year! I want a J 21! 8)

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