A few more future releases.

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Sword have released three new kits of the Spitfire Mk XIV in 1/72nd scale - a XIV C/E low back, XIV C/E high back, and FRXIVE low back, all priced at around £11 in the UK (Model Hobbies @ £10.79)
Just going off the sprue shots and decals seen in the only preview I've found to date, they look good, moulded in what appears to be Sword's normal, pale blue, rather shiny plastic, with cockpit detail parts and what seems to be an accurate outline overall.
Given that they tend to follow on with releases in 1/48th scale, as they did with their very nice Lightning kits, I'm hoping (and Andy will be too!) that they release these kits in the larger scale very soon.
Actually I'd love to see Airfix capitalize on their 1/48 Seafire moulds and put out a proper new tooled XIV. Eduard dong a new tool XIV to a similar quality as their venerable VIII/IX series would be even better.
Hi guys, i'm new here and a returnee to modelling after 35 years. Ww2 is my thing, but airfix kits are rubbish, flash everywhere, spend more time filing and then using filler than i do building. Then file the ill-fitting parts some more and repaint to get anywhere near an acceptable finish. I make them for my 11yrs ADHD son to hang on his bedroom ceiling, but enjoy the intricate labour nonetheless. Recently bought some Italieri kits at Fairford IAT for a fraction of high street prices (6 good looking kit at 1:72, 48 and 24 scale for under £100). When did airfix plummet to the depths of current standards?
Jim, a lot of the newer Airfix kits are amongst the best out there for their subject but as you say some of the older kits are showing their age now.
Yep, they went through a period, around 15 to 20 years ago, when they released some potentially great kits, some of which were a reasonable fit, and some very poor. The 1/48th scale Buccaneer and Tornado kits were among the very poor examples, whilst the 1/48th scale Lightnings were good to very good.
Older kits, some from the 1950's (!!) were really showing their age, but many of these have now been re-tooled, and as Karl mentioned above, their very recent kits, in all scales, are among the best on the market - new 1/72nd scale Lancasters, a Whitley, Shackleton and others, with the superb 1/48th scale Spitfire Mk1, Hurricane Mk1 and Defiant, and staggering 1/24th scale Mosquito and Typhoon.
It's a case of being able to recognise old, and really old kits that have been re-issued, from those that have been re-tooled, or those that are brand new.
The re-tooled and brand new kits are far from rubbish, although I'd agree that those older kits, good in their time, whilst perhaps not quite rubbish, are far from what's expected by today's standards, and for Hornby Products to keep releasing them, without stating their vintage, is rather naughty, to say the least.
However, as it looked, more than once, that this 'household name' might disappear, it's great to see that the Airfix brand has been saved, and that new kits, and those on the way, are excellent, and will re-instate Airfix as one of the market leaders.
seems Hasegawa are re releasing the Phantom FG.1 in 1/48 scale next month !

wonder how many thousands of my english pounds i will have to part with to get one

and are releasing a Ju88 A-5 in the same scale, ICM re box ???
Meng is releasing a 1/48 P-51D snap together kit. Ignore most of the written words and just look at the pictures....

The Modelling News: Meng's Mustang P-51D in 48th scale – we have some details about how it snaps together…

I've only just found this site and it seems interesting but the navigation for me at least sucks. Just below the banner, it says "loading..", that's it....always loading. Scrolling down the page gets you to Older/Newer Posts and at the bottom is the Archive. There are good reviews here for all species of modeler
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