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So, if I read that garbled mess right, you're disputing that Sweden has socialist policies and claiming that this type of research was the norm throughout the western world? Is the gov't making decisions supplying citizens with goods also the norm? Perhaps there are individuals that believe that citizens are not incompetent, bumbling idiots that need the gov't to care for their every need. I know, just a crazy thought from a "m8y" that needs to "wise up." Citizens can't possibly procure their own goods and services!!!

You can classify this crap as modern, or anything else you would like. It doesn't make this type of approach any less ridiculous, and any less of a waste of taxpayer monies.

By the way, you you "studied harder (maby)," then you would find out that there is still much wasted funding going to useless scientific studies. Yes, even in this "post modern" world.
........well .......i think that...says it all..i hope...we all....live long and prosperous...and that the freedrom of speech and democratic values survive...spete narrowmided ppl from a certain part of the world...

i m otta here

Going back to the issue of child naming, in France:

From: French names - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and for Norwegian policy and approved names:

Norwegian Baby Names


Picked baby's name? Not so fast, in Denmark
........well .......i think that...says it all..i hope...we all....live long and prosperous...and that the freedrom of speech and democratic values survive...spete narrowmided ppl from a certain part of the world...

i m otta here


Narrow minded, freedom of speech, democratic values. Very interesting. Especially to those who have the balls to back it up...

You're the one that brought up some stupid ass statement that was uncalled for. Once challenged you bring up more ignorant crap that shows you're the narrow minded idiot that don't have the balls to come up with something meaningful to support your statement, let alone your pitiful existence. I see the gene pool isn't doing too well in Sweden as well or maybe you were just down wind of Chernobyl. Putting it mildly, you're a retarded and ignorant p#ssy and I do hope you stay the f#ck off this forum...
ops..iam a retard and live to close to chernobyl..yea you are right...

should stay away....maby....cool down ol geezer and enjoy your admin status as i enjoy being retarded and a *****...nice talkin to ya

see ya---

15 posts and he's managed to insult the US, a Marine, forum members and moderators. Great start. And hopefully his end. Where's the Water Buffalo when we need him.
First I gave him a 10 day suspension - he wrote some half ass apology - now he's out of here...

As Dan says - Freakin meatball!
He could have had a debate - but his posts consisted of a mix of insults, profanity, and rambling... there's not much you can debate with that.
How about the Geldof family. They must have a monopoly on stupid names followed by a few Hollywood types

Hmmm think your right there. Wonder if there is a link between consuming vast amounts of drugs and giving your children bizare names?
Hmmm think your right there. Wonder if there is a link between consuming vast amounts of drugs and giving your children bizare names?

Either that or they should be banned from reading fantasy novels:

Fifi Trixibelle, Little Pixie and Heavenly Hiraani Tigerlily Geldof.
i should have wasted the freaks here instead of ......

never seen so many fascitoid ppl ..marines pufta...morons with big dicks

I gave him an official warning. I should have banned him but I really am interested in if he will actually come back to this forum and say something. For that reason I only gave him a warning.

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