A new book in my library.

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I've just got home to find volume 4 of 'Luftwaffe Crash Archive' waiting for me.

This is a self professed effort to provide a documentary history of every enemy aircraft brought down over the UK. This volume covers a very brief but very busy period, from 10th September 1940 to 27th September 1940.

I have all four volumes so far published (by Red Kite) and they are a well researched and comprehensive effort, with many photographs and excerpts from both intelligence and police reports amongst other good stuff.

Some of the police reports lighten what is a pretty grim story. One from the East Sussex Constabulary first establishes the grisly fate of the dead crew of a Bf 110 C-2 which crashed, killing both crew members, on Coppice Farm before adding some interesting detail.

'One eleven year old boy got a set of spanners and dismantled two machine guns. That evening two policemen, Sgt Hibbs and PC Howard went to his house and took them away saying 'if we don't need them we will let you have them back.'

Times do change :)

Highly recommended.


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Great one's there guys,

This one came today.


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Great hauls there guys.
Steve, I've just ordered Vol 4 of the Luftwaffe Crash Archive. As you say, a great collection of books, worth it just for the photos alone, but I did spot a couple of really glaring errors in one of the volumes, particularly concerning the Kenley raid, which surprised me.
Do tell Terry!

Mainly the usual repeating of previously published inaccurate information concerning specific details.
For example, the text for the excellent series of shots showing the Do17 after belly landing, and burning out, at Leaves Green, on the edge of Biggin Hill airfield, on 18th August, describes this aircraft as taking off to attack Biggin Hill, with the alternative target being Kenley aerodrome, and that it released bombs on Kenley, was hit by AA fire and crashed, the crew bailing out at low level.
The target was Kenley, part of a coordinated high and low-level raid and, after passing through the PAC devices and AA fire at Kenley, the aircraft belly landed, on fire, with the crew still aboard, at Leaves Green.
Not only is this event covered in many books, and in great detail in at least one, the Kenley raid itself is described later in this same volume!
I was going to, and was going to request the inclusion of a 'key', or explanation, for some of the annotations in the reproduced crash reports, but decided not to, mainly due to feeling tired and ill at the time.
As it happens, a later volume included some amendments explaining the format of the reports, and I suspect errors have also been discovered or pointed out, and will (hopefully) be corrected in future editions.
Acquired these as well. The rocket plane book is very well done, with many rare photos and detail drawings.


IMHO This P-38 book is a must. The pictures are pretty plentiful and I have not seen a bunch of them.


Great hauls there chaps. And yes Wayne, you should get the 'Crash Archives' books - I'm eagerly awaiting delivery of Vol 4 !

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