A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Great stuff chaps.
Wojtek, am I right in thinking that the 303 Squadron book was originally published around 1941 or '42? It's mentioned in the two books I have covering the Squadron during WW2.
Yes Terry you are right. The first book was originally published in 1942 in the Great Britain in English . In Poland , the book was issued in 1943 ( three editions in occupied Warsaw ) and one in Kielce in 1944. It was translated into many languages including the German one. Also it was republished about 30 times.
Some mighty fine purchases gentlemen. I was just going through the last few pages and got to wondering; the thread is 184 pages deep so far, how many books have been purchased? and I'm thinking 98% have been purchased by less than 1% of the membership(You know who you are.) As has been mentioned a few times before, if all these books were combined in a room(building?), it would be one heck of a reference library.

It sure would George! And we (the members) often have the advantage of that - at a distance - when we ask for info that other members (that 1% ?) then dig out of the books purchased!

True, I might have bought a couple, tops.....for those few (couple) that I've bought, they're to help others out, whenever needed and possible....always nice to help and/or to return a favour!
I really should get the Stirling book. Apart from the Squadron Signal book, and the Warpaint edition, oh, and the Pilot's Notes, I have very little on the Stirling. I suppose I'll have to blame Jan again .......

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