A new book in my library. (6 Viewers)

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Westland Wyvern – 4+ Publication: Recommended by Vic, but didn't have to go overseas for it. Found it in California for a good price! Yeah! Will use if I ever build the Trumperter kit.
The Harlem Hellfighters by Max Brooks: Mel Brooks son, wrote World War Z. A graphic novel loosely based on the true story of the 369th Infantry Regiment and the trials and tribulations they had to endure on both sides of the trenches.
Fairey Rotodyne: Needed a book on this hybrid aircraft for Airfix and Revell(?) kits. Flipped through it and it seems quite readable, but would have liked pictures of it fitted out with a passenger cabin.
Vengeance!:Book on the Vultee Vengeance that someone on the forum inspired me to buy. Funny quirk of this book is that towards the end of the book, the final section is bound upside-down and backwards, as if the book was meant to be read from either cover! Weird!
Zoukei-mura CONCEPT NOTE SWS No. 1: Doesn't sound familiar? This cryptically titled book is about the Kyushu J7W1 Shinden. It's part history/part build report (from the company that made the 1/32 kit…are you listening Wayne?)/part model show picture book with Japanese and English text. I was on the fence about purchasing this book until I realized that all the reference material I have is in Japanese! It didn't answer all the questions I had, but gave me more information than I had before.
The Lockheed P-38: If you are a fan of the P-38 then this is a book you. Appeals to me because of the various one-off 38's shown. Did you know that there was more than one version of the up-swept tail built and flight tested? Me neither!
Ship Strike Pacific: Great cheap photo book (on the used book market) with tons of US sea strike pictures!
Various RED STAR Soviet/Russian books: Yefim Gordon… Also they were all half or less off the cover price!
AIR CORPS by J. V. Mizrahi – Buy This book! A Sentry book with TONS of inter-war/pre-war aircraft pictures. Curtiss A-18 interior pics anyone?
IL PIAGGIO P. 108: Picked this up for a couple of bucks at a recent model show. Text in Italian, but many interior pics of the P. 108T. Sweet!
SUPERFORTRESS Squadron/Signal: I have only bought one S/S book that was weak…and this isn't it.
Battleship and Cruiser Aircraft of the United States Navy 1910-1949 by William T. Larkins: I guess I was expecting a book more like his "Surplus Aircraft" book, though I don't why… Anyway, the best book on the subject I would imagine.
Boeing B-29 Superfortress "The Ultimate…" by Wolf: Ultimate if you care about the color of every piece of the Superfort, not so if you were expecting never before seen pictures of the odd-ball experimental versions.
Nest of Eagles: Again a forum member recommended this and I'm glad he did! Not through it all yet, but so far so good
Bombs Away: Basically a coffee table book on the 8th AF (IIRC). Bought it on the discount table a Barnes Nobles. A few pictures that I haven't seen. Would not have died if I passed on it.
Evan, it's 'paperback' size, in heavy card cover and, to be honest, rather clumsy in layout, with a somewhat haphazard presentation and a distinctly amateurish feel, almost a brief overview. The first 100 or so pages are dedicated to Avro history and products up to the present day (!), and comparisons with other aircraft types, some of which seem rather illogical and unnecessary in my view.
That said, there are some good photographs, many in colour, a few I hadn't seen before, and some interesting general information. Although more suited to the absolute layman, for the cheap price I got it for, it's a relatively useful reference for some details here and there, when used in conjunction with other references.
It would have benefited greatly though, if in a larger format, such as A4, as the compact format detracts from the visual impact.
With Dave, good on ya Aaron!

Terry, thanks mate. Not an 'essential' for the Lanc reference collection though then, by the sounds.
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Not really Evan, but worth having if you see it cheap. I got mine from Bookmart Ltd, in Leicester, UK, which is also where the book was originally published in 2008, so maybe a connection. Brand new, at £5,92 including shipping, so not a great lot to shell out. I'll admit that a couple of the photos, including colour interior shots, were able to confirm some details and locations of such things as antenna, mounting brackets etc, when compared to photos elsewhere, so certainly not a waste by any means.
It would be a very useful basic reference for the layman, as already mentioned, which is probably the intention, but can't truly be considered a 'serious' reference work for the more 'educated', as Robertson's or Mason's volumes are.
The other Lanc book I posted a week or so ago, also bought by Jan, is a different matter, and is a good reference for the systems and weaponry on the Lanc, especially descriptions of the radio/radar and nav aids etc., and again has some excellent reference photos. This can also be had at a very reasonable price, if you shop around.
Dang Terry, that kind of sucks. I still have not received my copy. The B-24 book I got was a disappointment as well as it just came today. Glad I didn't pay a lot for it.

Congrat's Aaron on the cover photo
Part of a haul of books bought for 10 Euro at a flea market!

B-17 Fortress B-29 Superfortress At War – Roger A. Freeman, David A. Anderton
Fighter -Bill Gunston
A Guide To waterline Model Ships – Kelvin Holmes
Imperial War Museum Duxford
Model Ships – Vic Smeed
Modern Commercial Aircraft – William Green, Gordon Swanborough, John Mowinski
RAF Today – Alan W. Hall
The RAF , Royal Air Force Briefing Book
Royal Air Force 2003
SlingsbyT67 Firefly Prospectus

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