A new book in my library. (5 Viewers)

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See how this one match up...384 pages, £0.01!

What is the significance of the title of the first one, if there is any?

Not really sure Vic till I read the book but have heard nothing bad about the book. Suppose to be about RAAF pilots flying Hurricanes through the eyes of a RAF pilot against the Luftwaffe on the borders of Egypt and Libya. I picked it up because it is one of the books Christopher Shores used as references in one of his books and vice versa for this book.

Well that and I am trying to broaden my Mediterranean library :)
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Good stuff chaps. That 'Commandos' book looks interesting !
I've just 'won' four 'Harleyford' books - Spitfire - story of a Famous Fighter, Messerschmitt - story etc, American Fighters, and Camouflage and Markings, for £1.50 each !
These were the books back in the 1960s, costing £3 each in 1963 (!!!), and I had two of them, lost when loaned and not returned.
I'm a happy bunny!

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