A new book in my library. (3 Viewers)

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I think this is the one I saw an illustrated review on, in an aviation magazine some years ago. If so, then it looked good, and had a very good review. Sorry I can't add more, but if I knew which mag it was in, among the large piles dotted around my place, I'd dig it out for you.
I've got of few of his books, they're not too bad. They sometimes have a few spelling errors (they're published in France) and they don't contain huge amounts of pages, but as a handy quick reference book they're pretty good.
These two came in the last few days...

The "Wings of the Black Cross" is like an America version of the German publication "Luftwaffe Im Focus", but not as good. Kind of like the show "Top Gear". The book on the Ta 154 is a "look through once and shelve" purchase (as I suspected). I actually was persuaded to buy it from the picture on the cover, having never seen that kind of radar setup on the "Moskito". Well like the old expression says, you should NEVER judge a book by its cover. So you guessed it, nothing about it on the inside that I could find. Bummer. At least it was cheap. Anyway if you are looking for good publications on one of my favorite aircraft, I would recommend looking no further than "Monogram Close-Up 22: Focke Wulf Ta 154 Moskito" Paperback – 1983 by Jay P. Spenser for it's abundance of pictures and the recent and ground-breaking "Focke-Wulf Ta 154 "Moskito" (Monographs 51)" by Murawski, Marek J., Rys, Marek (2013) Paperback. I say ground-breaking because it is the only publication that I know of that picked up on the fuselage plug present on the wreck of Focke Wulf Ta 154A III.NJG3 (D5+HD) WNr 320003. (Picture below) Honestly, I have looked at this picture hundreds of times (and the others concerning the crash of this particular 154 prepping for build that was superseded) and I never picked up on it. Admittedly I was focusing more on trying to detect the upturned wing tips supposedly present on this aircraft, but to my (limited) knowledge no one else has either. Amazing how even common photos can reveal new information. Keep a sharp eye out amigos!


A amazing book. Jam packed with photos of (apparently) all the subtle differences among the bird cage versions. Something here for even those with a passing interest in this classic bent wing bird. A steal at about $20.00 USD (Shipping included). Does justice to the series. A favorite of mine!

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