A new book in my library. (11 Viewers)

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I agree Jim. The earlier editions, expanded from the 1980s and 1990s magazine articles, are much better, with more background and detail info. But, considering the title - 'Warpaint' - the main aim is the provision of the colour profiles, which are useful of course. This particular issue has some profiles of RAF Mitchells, but no Mitchell IIIs, and I have doubts about the presentation of the serial numbers in some, which, of course, leads to doubts about the accuracy of the other profiles too !
Yeah I have to agree as well, it left me wanting more and could have been a lot thicker with more info. The best book I have found so far on the B-25 has been William Wolfs book but even that has left me unanswered questions. I have been researching it for a while and have been looking for more info on Pacific B-25 staffers and the multitude field conversations done but not but other than pictures of aircraft showing some of the conversions I have struck out. I was looking for Pappy Paul Gunn's long range fuel tank modification and size of tank including the spring loaded doors where the turret was removed but have found no such luck. I have also read of some Russian modifications but again found no pictures other than line drawings from a soviet aircraft manual on that subject. Even British B-25's there is not much info for a book that is 477 pages, 3 pages and a paragraph tops. It talks about a few modifications in the book and specials in the book but I have other books that have other info that Wolfs book does not. Oh well, will keep looking

As I said before if you need something on the B-25 model let me know and maybe have the answer for you. Below is a break down of the contents in the Wolf book if your curious to what's in it.

Yes please!

Oh and mine was on back order from amazon forever. Switched to the BOOK DEPOSITORY, paid a dollar more, but it was instock, still cheap and free shipping.
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Like the look of the 2 Group book Paul.
If you have any info showing the serial numbers of RAF Mitchells with the hyphen between letters and numbers, that would be useful.
I have a few books on the B-25, including the Crowood book, but none of them indicate which serial blocks were hyphenated.
I do have the information in those darned notes that are missing, researched in 1988, if I could only find them.
The serials were presented as, for example, FW-192, rather than FW192, and I'm fairly sure it was relevant to the factory which produced the particular airframe - Inglewood or Kansas City.
Thanks guys and no problem Terry, I will let you know when the book arrives and will around and see if I can find anything on the dash between the serial numbers for the blocks
Thanks guys!!!, Terry it finally arrived. Lots of info in it from British Aircraft serial numbers to aircraft types flown by the unit. Campaigns and such. Aircraft group strengths on certain dates. Book is 532 pages long. Interesting thing is every picture in the book is missing serial numbers on the tail. Not sure its because they where censored or just never put on the tail. Let me know if you are looking for something in particular as still thumbing through the book as it just came late last night.

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Great stuff Paul. The pic isn't showing, just a 'J.Peg' icon.
The RAF Mitchells had the U.S. serial painted over in most cases, and this normally showed as a darker rectangle on the fin and rudder, probably done at MUs in the UK, using British paints. Others very well may have had them over-sprayed in O/D. at the factory after allocation to the RAF.
See the example on my subject, below, which also appears to have a darker area where it's possible that the 'Star and Bar' marking was over-painted, on the fuselage, although this could be fresh paint where the codes were changed or moved, along with the roundel.

I think I'm probably OK now for most things on the Mitchell MkII (B-25C and D), but if you can confirm the hyphen in the British serial number was only on Kansas produced aircraft, that would be helpful, and any close-up, or relatively close-up pics of the antenna wires would be useful too.
And anything you have in the way of photos of RAF Mitchell MkIIIs (B-25J) would be most useful - decent shots are fairly rare.
Remind me which book it is, as I might end up getting it, seeing as I have a Mitchell MkIII to build yet !

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