A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Thanks to Paul's reminder when he got the '2 Group' book, I managed to grab a used copy, in very good, almost new condition, for a very good price.
Packed full of information, data, maps and photos in 532 pages, it's a hefty volume, even in soft cover format !
Thanks again for the heads up Paul.

Buys 427.jpg
Thanks to Paul's reminder when he got the '2 Group' book, I managed to grab a used copy, in very good, almost new condition, for a very good price.
Packed full of information, data, maps and photos in 532 pages, it's a hefty volume, even in soft cover format !
Thanks again for the heads up Paul.

View attachment 338831

Glad you are enjoying it my friend :) It is full of info that's for sure
Just found this book. I didn't realize the Soviets had female fighter units.
"The White Rose of Stalingrad-Real Life Adventure of Lidiya Litvyak, the Highest Scoring Female Air Ace of All Time"

Of all the major air forces that were engaged in the war, only the Red Air Force had units comprised specifically of women. Initially the Red Air Force maintained an all-male policy among its combat pilots. However, as the apparently invincible German juggernaut sliced through Soviet defenses, the Red Air Force began to rethink its ban on women. By October 1941, authorization was forthcoming for three ground attack regiments of women pilots. Among these women, Lidiya Vladimirovna "Lilya" Litvyak soon emerged as a rising star. She shot down five German aircraft over the Stalingrad Front, and thus become history's first female ace. She scored 12 documented victories over German aircraft between September 1942 and July 1943. She also had many victories shared with other pilots, bringing her possible total to around 20. The fact that she was a 21-year-old woman ace was not lost on the hero-hungry Soviet media, and soon this colourful character, whom the Germans dubbed "The White Rose of Stalingrad," became both folk heroine and martyr.

The book finally arrived. I was kind of disappointed though. Probably half the book is pictures of people. Most if not all the recon photos can be found in other books or on the fold3 website. Its more about a Jack Heyn a photographer and the pictures he took in the 3rd bomb group then on the 5th air force with short paragraphs for each picture.

The book finally arrived. I was kind of disappointed though. Probably half the book is pictures of people. Most if not all the recon photos can be found in other books or on the fold3 website. Its more about a Jack Heyn a photographer and the pictures he took in the 3rd bomb group then on the 5th air force with short paragraphs for each picture. View attachment 339071

Thanks brother. Scratch that off the list.

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