A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Finally found one for a decent price after hearing good reviews from a few on it here :)

Nice one old boy - let me know what it's like when you get it. Might very well be interested in getting a copy, seeing as I have a RAF Sabre build lined up for the future.
No idea Paul, sadly one of the authors passed away not long after the release so that sort of slows things down a bit....:(

Didn't know that, that sucks. I hope some continues on with the project. That's my worry here as these look great but guessing it will be more than a few years for the 4 I am waiting on from here. Really want to see the Grimm Reapers and Sun Setters. For now they just released Kens Men book 1 which at some point I will get as I have all there other books.

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