A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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just saw those books you purchased Steph, really would like to see the inside of some of those volumes, they are just not available to view down here....I understand they contain plenty of great pictures....

always on the prowl for pictures of Experten aircraft and their victory markings....
Got me a coupon for a 15% discount from a books webstore I regulary order stuff from. Best spend it well Princes Of Darkness, the lives of Lippe-Weissenfeld and Zur Sayn-Wittgenstein

Received recently from the author, this is an extraordinary work on the He 219, compiled and researched by Ron Ferguson, assisted by members of the Luftwaffe Experten Message Board.

Laying to rest many of the errors and myths found in all previous He 219 publications, this book should open the way to a definitive treatment of the subject.


  • Heinkel219Research.jpg
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Excellent find there Max!!, any tit-bits you can briefly quote or condense-down-to-post?

There are so many revisions and corrections to previously published works on the He 219 a synopsis would be almost as long as the book itself. Unfortunately this book is a private printing and is not for general sale, but the content is "open source" for all to use providing credit is given.

As Andy points out, much of the content was discussed over on the LEMB ( a great read in itself!) but if anyone has any specific questions about the He 219 I'd be happy to check through this fine book and other sources to help give an answer.

I might add that one one of the many contributors to "Heinkel 219 A Research Paper" was none other than our very own Erich... who is no doubt looking through his copy right now..

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