A new book in my library.

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Thanks Andy, I appreciate that!
The ones that came in today:


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For doing cockpit detail it's going to be a blast. I realize that the restored pits may be off a little but it gives a shot of each instrument cluster and stick with a decent view of the cockpit sides.
Me is extremely happy with this find. A book out of print for quite some time now, so evil-bay and the like are the only way of obtaining it, if found at all. And if found they cost an arm and a leg, 80+ euro is no exception. (as such I've managed to find some copies before, but had to pass when I heard the price). I got extremely lucky this time as far as price goes.

A (Dutch) book that covers the camouflage and markings of Dutch military aviation from 1913 (when Dutch military aviation was established) up until the late nineteen nineties) Loads of great pics/profiles and a truly awesome reference for the modeller in terms of markings and colors used.

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That's a great haul of books Alberto. What's the JG53 book like?

Well, the author is Jean-Louis Roba and this should represent a guarantee on the quality of information contained.
As mentioned in the title, it narrate the history of JG 53 (from the creation till the end of 1940) in 82 pages fitted with many bw photos, some color ones and eight pages of color profiles.

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