A new book in my library.

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just arrived this week.
Great book, will have to spend some time over the holidays and get stuck into it!


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And this came in today. I now have one and two. Not sure if there are any more of these but will keep an eye out just in case.


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with a forward by John Travolta?????? Couldn't get ol' Chuck or somebody? Oh well, I know he flies. Cool book subject though.

BTW and totally OT, did anyone hear about Tom Cruise owning a P-51?
Chris, the forward is somewhat LAME.:lol: But the detail in the two books is great, if they show a bomber, you get the entire interior, not just the cockpit. And if I'm not mistaken, TC has owned one for at least a couple of years think. And the Cockpit books a not very expensive for what you get. I got mine off of Amazon.com right at $20.oo each.
thanks! Amazon has been my friend lately. I was waiting for these books to come and....my pre-wife has been holding onto them for Christmas. Yesterday I was treated to them! Started in on the Galland autobiography.
thanks! Amazon has been my friend lately. I was waiting for these books to come and....my pre-wife has been holding onto them for Christmas. Yesterday I was treated to them! Started in on the Galland autobiography.

Your welcome, I got started on the B-24 missions book Friday, have not been able to put it down.

I like Amazon!

We'd have never guessed.:lol: And Dave, thank you again sir.:notworthy:

just got Kittyhawk pilot by "stocky" Edwards downloaded to my Kindle for £0.86 !!!!!!

Excellent Rochie, let us know how it is.:thumbright:
VB, tell me how that Walter Lord book is. I love him as an author and I might want to see if I can get that myself. You have to read his book about Dunkirk - excellent!

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