A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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The wife got me this for father's day.

A lot of "paper" airplanes that never had metal cut. The Germans weren't the only thinking of tandem engines, pushers, tailless aircraft and other odd combinations

Is it all paper projects, or are there mockup pictures and actual aircraft? I was wondering if it's more like napkin scribbles and the American equivalent of Luftwaffe '46 stuff?
Just received this one:

It's quite a skinny volume but large format (if you get my drift), so quite dissimilar from the usual MMP fare. Provides a nicely detailed description of 263 Sqn's abortive efforts in Norway, including several previously unpublished photos and clarification of colour schemes worn by the Glads. Highly recommended if you're into this sort of thing.
Looks like a good score, Robert.

This one arrived a few weeks ago and I forgot to post it:

Managed to score a copy signed by the author, who served as a Lanc nav with 100 Sqn. I have a soft spot for the unit because I had the chance to fly in a 100 Sqn Canberra back in the summer of 1989...they were known as "the Tatty Ton" at that time!

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