A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Very cool! I almost bought the book on the left, what do you think of it?

Today's shipments. I took Waynes advice about worth having the Fw 190 and wow was he right! The middle one is called God's Samurai and is a book about Commander Mitsuo Fuchida, the lead pilot on the attack on Peral Harbor. Cannot wait to dive into it.


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Very much worth it, it's the most up-to-date book which covers probably all technical aspects of IAR 80/81 including details related to the paint/camo patterns used which were discovered in factory documents during 2009.

Here are some sample pages for whom is interested : Photo Album - Imgur
bit pricey for me at the moment ..this is a decent reasonably cheap softback though for the modellers
albeit minus any sort of colour key and I think they've got their 74/75 the wrong way round

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Nice Falke.

I had that FW 190 Vol 1 book on my birthday wish list at Canada's Amazon. It was marked at about 55 bucks. 3 days after my last check, the price had jumped to $85!!!! So I went over to the US Amazon since Canadian dollar is par with US and there it was , still for $51. And only ONE left in stock!

Guess who got it?

Good on ya mate.

I'm sure that 190 book will be somewhere between $80 -$100 down here in the shops....
I've got both those Fw190 books. Both good too. Falkeeins (Neil Page) had a review of the Combat Colours offering on his Luftwaffe blog (which seems to have disappeared) which was very good. Lots of excellent if basic profiles.
New book to be added to the library. Pretty interesting book. Found some very interesting pic/profiles of some Bf-109F-4's. I have a few 'Friedrichs' in my stash of model kits, and when I get to them I will most likely do one of these far North birds.

It has some pretty interesting information on some Bf-109F that I would assume were meant for the Mediteranean front and as such had the camo for that theater applied..except for some reason they ended up in the far north and had repainted areas to a more or lesser degree using the standard RLM74/75 colors. This makes for a very odd but interesting scheme with the typical grey/green complemented by patches of a sandy desert color, and sometimes even with a temporary winter camo roughly over all that. Should be challenging too to spray I guess.

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