A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Got this one in the mail earlier in the week. Just paged through it a couple nights ago. Many pics I have not seen before, mostly of pilots, but numerous shots of Jugs used by this unit. Last couple dozen paged are filled with drawings of aircraft used by the group with short essays on the pilot that flew the ship.
Book was a little spendy, but looks to be a good read and of interest to any fan of the P-47.
Only available through the Barracuda Studios web-site as far as I know. (Google Barracudadecals to find it).

Hell Hawks.jpg
Awesome score, Terry! That'll be an excellent addition to your collection!

Looks like a good read, Buck...I've always liked the "Jug" and the guys that flew them were in a class by themselves!

I got a few more books recently, both are on a subject that rivals my passion for aircraft: Tanks!

The first is a great study on the Pzkfw VI Ausf. E "131" of the Bovington Tank Museum collection in Dorset. The book's format was done in the Haynes Automotive manual layout, which is different. The history of "131" and other Tigers is well covered in here, along with great (and hard to find) information regarding maintenance, operation and service of the Panzer. Loaded with great documentation of "131" from it's manufacturing, to it's deployment and battle history, it's capture and evaluation and finally becoming restored to fully operational condition. Plenty of accompanying photos, both wartime and post-war along with Haynes Manual style illustrations.
The book was authored by David Fletcher, David Willey and Mike Hayton. Published by Zenith Press, ISBN: 978-0-7603-4078-3

The other book is "Hitler's Great Panzer Heist" by Anthony Tucker-Jones. The book covers Germany's panzer development pre-war, and eventual rise to battle-readiness. As Germany started it's expansionism, the seized armor was impressed into the Wehrmacht, SS and Police battalions. Then as the war started and progressed, captured armor was put into service, some models actually being manufactured with modifications (like the Hetzer, etc)...
If there was a gripe about the book, it would be regarding the photos, or lack of...but then again, the author covers the subject well enough that photos aren't nessecary. (but I like pictures, dang it!!)
Published by Stackpole Books, ISBN: 978-0-8117-033-5
Good stuff Buck and Dave. Imagine walking into the local autoparts store, with the Hayne's Tiger manual under your arm, and asking " Have you got a distributor cap for a Panzer VI, Tiger 1, 1943 model?" !!

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