A new book in my library. (2 Viewers)

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One was cheap, on was not, can you guess which was which?
Totally, especially on the used market. Was hoping this one had more pictures and of better quality, but considering the timeframe and conditions...
Gotta watch those prices. I missed this book on publication......

Now selling for $900.00+ :crazyeyes:
Totally, especially on the used market. Was hoping this one had more pictures and of better quality, but considering the timeframe and conditions...

That Putnam Spanish Civil War book is an excellent resource. It's a thorough collation of the aircraft and their use in the war and it gives a good insight ino how the aircraft got to Spain in the first place, which is fascinating. I guess these books are worth paying for depending on their value to us as individuals. I bought mine a good 15 years ago new and paid 35 quid for it. I still buy Putnams; they are a good investment and by and large they are accurate, although not in all cases, but on the whole they have stood the test of time. I recently bought Beech Aircraft and Bell Aircraft from a guy I know through an auction site, 40 NZ dolla each. I once got Grumman Aircraft, Boeing Aircraft and US Navy Aircraft, all Conway reprints for 100 NZ dolla - three books including postage, from the United States through Ebay. Bargains can be found; I got a copy of an older edition of Handley Page Aircrft at Duxford last year for 10 quid. The Miles Aircraft book was only issued once and although full of errors - a far superior book on Miles aircraft is published through Air Britain - still sells for around 2 to 300 quid.

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