A new book in my library. (6 Viewers)

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How is that "Soviet Bombers of the Second World War"? Literally saw that come up on a suggestion for me and a few s seriously considering buy a copy. What do you think?

Its got a lot of interesting things Jim, Gives brief descriptions of the different versions of the aircraft built and such. Profiles in aircraft size relations to each other. I can scan a couple of pages when I get home from work this afternoon to give you and idea what I mean. It's peaked my son as he found more than a few interesting things in it.
Here you go Jim, this just touches the surface of some of the stuff it covers. Two different pages one on medium bombers and the other on dive bombers. Book is 350 pages long hard cover.

I don't have his IL-2 book but do have a couple that he has wrote as pictured below.

Wayne, its really is a pretty interesting book if you can find it for a decent price.

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Here is my Amazon review on the IL-2:
This book is as the author describes a decent balance for modelers and "historians". The color plates and general history of the aircraft are a real treat. However, as a "history" with a bent towards the "technical" kinda' reader, I was really let down by the lack of technical descriptions in the type of detail that I prefer.
Even with the with weakness this book has terms of my reading preferences I will buy the two other volumes Mr. Moore has authored while I continue to purchase additional books on the IL-2.
(Mr. Moore does conveniently provide a list of additional IL-2 titles.)
If you have a general interest the IL-2 or need some color schemes, this book is a worthy purchase.

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