A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Pretty happy with this latest addition. Not a book, but a magazine really. I don't buy this magazine regulary 'cause for a 50 page magazine little under 20 euro is a pretty darn steep price to my mind...but I had to have this issue since it has an article and some rarely seen photo's on Helmut Lents Bf-110G-4. This naturally has to be turned into a 1/48 build....[surfs to webshop and orders another Eduard G-4]


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Indeed, in terms of content this series is quite extraordinary. I can't begin to think about the costly and time consuming research that must go into putting this series together
OK, for anybody who read the "What Cheered me up " thread, knows the background of this. I picked up the books tofay. Here is the list of WWII related books....

"The Forgotten Soldier" by Guy sajer
"Stalingrad" by Joachim Wieder Heinrich Graf von Einsiedel
"Barbarossa" by Alan Clark
"The Nightmare Years" by William L. Shirer
"Hitler's Generals" edited by Correlli Barnett
"The Nazi Doctors" by Robert Jay Lifton
"Mussolini and His Generals" by John Gooch
"Army Group South" by Werner Haupt
"Partners in Command" by Mark Perry
"The Bunker" by James P. O'Donnell
"Bitter Victory:The Battle for Sicily" by Carlo D'Este
"The LOngest Day" Cornelius Ryan
"The Greatest Generation" by Tom Brokaw
"199 Days: The Battle for Stalingrad" by Edwin P. Hoyt
"Company Commander" by Charles Macdonald
"Plotting Hitler's Death" by Joachim Fest
"A Time Fror Trumpets: The Story of the Battle of the Bulge" by Charles B. Macdonald
"The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy Vol. 2" by Rick Atkinson
"Kesselring At Anzio" by Teddy Bitner
"The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill" by William Manchester
"Duce!: A Biography of Benito Mussolini" by Richard Collier
"Inferno: The Destruction of Hamburg" by Keith Lowe
"Himmler" by Peter Padfield
"Witnesses of War: Children's Lives under the Nazis" by Nicholas Stargardt
"Flyboys" by James Bradley
"An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa" by Rick Atkinson
"A Blood-Dimmed Tide: The Battle of the Bulge" by Gerald Astor
"If You Survive" by George Wilson
"Air Raid - Pearl Harbor!" by Theodore Taylor
"Breakout! The Drive to the Seine" by David Mason
"Normandy Bridgehead" by Major General H. Essame
"Decision in Normandy" by Carlo D'Este
"Battle: The Story of the Bulge" by John Toland
"Eisenhower: A Soldier's Life" by Carlo D'Este
"FDR" by Ted Morgan
"Patton: A Genius for War" by Carlo D'Este
"I Could Never Be So Lucky Again" By James H. 'Jimmy' Doolittle
"Monty: The Final Years of the Field-Marshal" by Nigel Hamilton
"REader's Digest Illustrated Story of WWII"
"British Battleships: 1889-1904" by R. A. Burt
"Commando Extraordinary: A Biography of Otto Skorzeny" by Charles Foley
"Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days" by Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz
"No Simple Victory" by Norman Davies

I also have just as many about the Civil War too!! Woo-hoo!!!!!
Nope, unfortunately. The Churchill biography is two books: Vol. One and Two, 700 pages each book and only goes up to 1940!

Talking to the pre-wife about shelves. I haven't even begun to check out the Civil war books. There are just as many!
Nice haul David,

I just picked up at the airshow The Mighty Eighth Units, Men and Machines (A history of the US 8th Airforce) by Roger A Freeman. Little beat up but pages contain some great info.
Yeah, I'm not allowed to get any more for 6 months! Its ok - It will take me that long to go through these!! :)

Nice group of books Dave!
That's one heck of a haul there Chris - instant library!
Good collection David.
Nice one Paul, anything by the late Mr. Freeman is worth having, all his work is excellent. Got three of his 'Mighty 8th' series, and some of his other books too.

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