A new book in my library.

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Sweet score Jim, with all those new books you should update your library pictures, I am curious to see how you are storing all these new ones :)
I will definitely do that this weekend in the SHOW US YOUR LIBRARY thread.

In the meantime, bought this about a month ago, love this series. Did you know they built over 40 of these flying boats? I didn't.

This one arrived yesterday. To quote the publisher's blurb:

The life of Air Vice-Marshal Alan Reed AO is one that could read like a 'boy's own adventure'. From humble beginnings as a National Service trainee in Perth in 1952, Alan's career took him all the way to the rank of Air Vice-Marshal and in command of over 12,000 people within the RAAF Support Command organisation. Along the way Alan flew a wide variety of RAAF aircraft, including the maritime version of the Lincoln, the Canberra bomber, the F-4E Phantom and the F-111. His experiences included fortuitously being removed from a doomed Lincoln flight that crashed into Mt Superbus in South-East Queensland, a 24-day around-the world trip in a Canberra formation, and his opportunities to fly
both the Phantom and the F-111C in RAAF service. Alan was also privileged to be one of only six RAAF pilots to fly Phantoms on exchange with the USAF during the Vietnam War, where he flew over 100 reconnaissance missions during a 179 temporary duty assignment, receiving the USAF Distinguished Flying Cross. Alan passed away on 24 July 2021, not before he had the chance to reminisce with many of his compatriots at the Air Force's centenary commemorations on 31 March 2021. This book draws upon the content of Alan's autobiography, also entitled 'Invited to a War', and presents the episodes of Alan's life in the RAAF. It tells the story of a man who dedicated his life to the RAAF and, despite
the highs and lows of any service career, never lost his passion for flying.

This version is a part of the RAAF History and Heritage Branch's Australian Air Campaign Series and is based off the original autobiography with additional content, particularly additional photography added by RAAF H&HB. At first glance through, looks like it will be very interesting reading. Note: On the book cover AVM Reed is the one on the right.

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At first glance the SM 79 one looks really good.

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