A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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I'm with you GG. :lol:

Oh and I got these for my birthday.:)


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Like the look of that 'Battle Colors' Aaron. Lots of profiles I presume?
Thanks Paul. I had the original edition, back in the 1980s, but loaned it to a friend, who moved away and i never got it back!! The MkV is the same, but updated with extra sections and more lists.
Great stuff Aaron, I have the first book of the battle colors, Its a good book, now just need the other 4 LOL
Like the look of that 'Battle Colors' Aaron. Lots of profiles I presume?
Thanks Paul. I had the original edition, back in the 1980s, but loaned it to a friend, who moved away and i never got it back!! The MkV is the same, but updated with extra sections and more lists.

Loads of profiles Terry along with some insight and reasons as to why some used what they did and vise-versa.

Great stuff Aaron, I have the first book of the battle colors, Its a good book, now just need the other 4 LOL

As soon as I can afford to I will get the other four but it may be a little bit.

Worth it for the photos and eye witness accounts alone. Unfortunately the author's political beliefs ruin the narrative in a rather desperate attempt to whitewash the Waffen SS.

Approach with caution and a sceptical mind.
Picked up these two at the show at the RAF Museum Cosford over the weekend. Got a member's discount on the Dornier book at the Museum shop, and the other for £4 on a stall at the show.


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