one think that no one could explain to me in a satisfactory way:
why nuclear weapons are allowed and poison gas dont ?
i think is ridiculous, you can´t poison the air that your enemy breathes but you can disintegrate them.
why dont outlaw nukes ?
Hello JugBR,
First off all nukes cost a hell a lot of $$$ to develop and deploy – so who wants to write of this investment in his balance sheet?
Secondly, those who have them rule the world via indirect usage as a veto member in the UN and the development of nukes by others is an easy task to check on and to control.
Gas can be developed, bought and deployed by any jackass at attractive price ranges and to control the possession of gas by others in regards to quantity available, quality and deploy devices is more or less impossible.
So the rulers of this planet came up with the remarkable conclusion; Ban gas – Control nukes.
I hope this might help to explain this in a satisfactory way