A6M5a Saburo Sakai

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Thanks proton45 for introducing the nice video - interview with Saburo Sakai.
A scale model with ID 'Yo-132' was being introduced in the head part but it was not used in the film 'Samurai in the sky'. Very very interesting ID8)

You are welcome, Wayne!
Here is my small work for you:)
You will know what was improved soon.


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Thanks for the nice thread, Ariete.
It inspires me very much and I'm beginning to think making a short movie as my PC has been renewed to more powerful one.



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I have started making movie:)

Oh, good... it looks like you are working on an "intercept" story. I see a B-29, what other actors will we see? Will we see a 鍾馗, 疾風, 雷電, or 飛燕 (maybe)?... I can't wait!!!! Is it a historical story or just a made up story? :grab:
Sorry, Ariete. No registeration page comes up after click the Registe- Now button.
Must I wait for it for several minutes?
Any assisstance would be highly appreciated...


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