"Adoft Hitler" birthday cake

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I agree Vassilli, it just always seems it's kids that come from messed up situations like this with morons for parents who end up doing senseless acts like that.
That kid is going to be scarred for life. I have to be honest, it should be illegal to name your child that.

It is illegal in Germany correct?

The guy claims to not be racist, but the names of the kids, including Aryan Nation and requesting a swastika on a cake? I read another article that stated he wore German WWII boots as well. Actions speak louder than words...

The usual BS denial of racists. They said something like - We have nothing against other races, we just don't want contact with them...

you have to wonder if the parents have everything normal going on upstairs.

His parents should go to a psychological examination...can´t say anything else.

No need for a psycological exam Seesul, we all know what it would discover - that the parents are a couple of crazy racist ****'s.

Yank the kids from the house on the grounds of abuse - before they're screwed up for life. Have the parents both "fixed" at the local vet and ban them from parenting for life.

Your personal "rights" to do what you want should not include the "right" to fill your kids head with racism, hate and other BS

Jug I hope you mean throwing shoes at the parents, not the 3 year old kid...

im talking about the other hitler ! the "celebrity one" !!!

i tihnk theres laws to protect and change humiliating names of childrens isnt ? if some one from his family protest against this name choice...

i dont know... just an idea...
As I said in the thread I started about that (sorry for starting a second thread, by the way), I bet the father has the number "88" tatooed on his shoulder...

8 = 8th letter of alphabet, "H"
88 = HH
HH = Heil Hitler

What would happen in Germany in a case where the parents are raising their kids to be Aryan Nations or Neo-Nazis? Can the state remove the children?

Hah ! It somehow reminded me of that scene from Boston Legal... You know, the episode with those two teenage twin girls singing racist country songs ? They were "educated" by their parents to be racists and their aunt wanted to take them away from their parents and raise them in a more normal way. At the end of the show, when the girls started to sing to thank the redhead lawyer, he answered : "I'm a Jewish gay from Mexico." And the father had a look on his face that meant something like : "You sick bastard..."

Hah... It made me laugh so hard... I'm sure you can find it on YouTube if you take a look.
I'm a former corrections officer. I can tell you I have no love for guys with the swastika tattooed on their heads.
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